+289 You're tired of people acting like being overweight is okay, some people don't need the verbal comfort, they need the support to get healthy, and by telling them that they're perfect, you're just not helping anyone, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're right in that it's better to encourage them to get healthy. But sometimes it's just nice to hear "you're great. Dont change for anyone." things like that just make you feel good inside. It's definitely a heck of a lot better than hearing, "you'd be cute if you lost 20 pounds. Try the celery and mushroom diet. It worked for my aunt." :/ everyone likes to be complimented. No matter what size.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I see your point. Mostly I was referring to people who act as though being a healthy weight is a flexible option, where is reality it can't be.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is extremely possible to be overweight and healthy, just as it is possible to be of normal weight and unhealthy. Everyone should be encouraged to be healthy, but weight doesn't always indicate a person's level of health.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's very rare that someone is overweight and be healthy. The "normal weight" is different for everyone. I, personally, think I could lose a pound or two, when according to my BMI, I'm on the edge of being underweight and healthy, because I'm tall. I have friends who weight a lot more than me, but it's because they're athletic. If you are truly overweight, it's not healthy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But that's exactly what I'm saying: normal is different for everyone, but certain measures, such as BMI, may tell people they're overweight (or in your case, underweight) and unhealthy when really there is nothing wrong with them. As such, people may judge them as being unhealthy. Studies show that people who are overweight and healthy tend to live longer than those who are of "normal" weight and unhealthy. Also, I wouldn't say it's rare for someone to be overweight and healthy. It is definitely possible. However, obese and healthy is probably rare.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But if "normal weight" is different for each person, then what might be considered overweight for someone would actually be healthy for someone else. If you're over the range of normal weights for you specifically, then you probably aren't healthy. My point is more that the normal weight is different for everyone.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We are arguing the same thing. When I say "normal" weight, I'm referring to what society refers to as normal. More specifically, a BMI between 20 and 25. I'm agreeing with you. Everyone has a different weight that is acceptable for them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Being overweight cannot be healthy in any way. It means exactly what it sounds like. If your doctor tells you you're overweight, they're not going to add on the end, "but you're healthy"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fat people I don't say anything to their face, but always think omg that one needs no food for months,

by Anonymous 5 years ago