+88 Why do people always want the same team to win over and over, why not root for the underdog, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

route: (rowt') noun -- 1.a course, way, or road for passage or travel: "What's the shortest route to Boston?" 2.a customary or regular line of passage or travel: "There is a ship on the North Atlantic route." 3.a specific itinerary, round, or number of stops regularly visited by a person in the performance of his or her work or duty: "A newspaper route is a mail carrier's route."

by Anonymous 14 years ago

he said root not route. seriously. you look like an idiot.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

he said root not route. seriously. you look like an idiot.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

He CHANGED it to root FROM route. Remember that whole 3-minutes-to-edit thing? Yeah. Believe it or not, it does get used.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Does anyone really care about grammar that much on this website

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No. But there's grammar, and there's misused words. If I said "Hannah Montana is stupd", it would be a grammar error. If I said "Hannah Montana is stooped", I replaced a word with a completely different word that has a completely different meaning.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

This is a website. Let the grammar go. Seriously. amirite isn't even grammatically correct. maybe you should go to some other website.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

isn't amirite misspelled so lets all complain about that

by Anonymous 14 years ago