+214 If you have to use the excuses, "It's my life," or "I'm not hurting anyone," you know that there is SOMETHING wrong with what you're doing. It's as simple as that, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People say that gay marriage doesn't hurt anyone, which is true and a good statement to make. Saying that doesn't always mean that what you're doing is wrong. If you say, "I'm not hurting anyone (with an implied "but myself" here)" then that's different.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are like a million situations where that's not true... Like... What if it was the night before a test, and you decided to study instead of going out with your friends, and they got annoyed with you and you replied with "But I'm not hurting anyone!". :P How would that be considered wrong?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe there's something wrong with the situation, not with what you're doing. Like Rainbow35 said, there are so many situations where that's not true.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I like how twisted memories was talking about someone ignoring the point and then proceeded to do so in the argument that followed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago