+474 Those people who protest soldiers funerals really piss you off by saying that they're going to hell because the army allows gays, even if the person who died was not gay. Like really people, show some respect for a fallen hero, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

People do that?? Who does something like that??

by Anonymous 14 years ago

`yah i cant remember where they're from but they were a baptist church group somewhere. they recently got sued but ended up winning the case after the fourth appeal because of the first ammendment. the guy who sued them was ordered to pay their court costs(over $17000 i believe) but luckily enough charities have started up to help him pay and i think it was larry king who said that he would cover full costs for it. The money that the group is awarded they said they were gunna use it to stage more protests, which is complete bullshit in my opinion

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The're from Topeka, Kansas and @104677 (Batman): look up the Westboro Baptist Church

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The army doesn't alllow openly gay people to serve. Where've you been?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"openly gay" OP never said they were openly gay. Army might not have known they were gay. Their families did. Apparently, so did the homophobes.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

URGH it's those westboro babtists right? i HATE it when people shove religion down someone's throat and they honestly think it'll make any difference at all. I will say openly that i am a christian but people who do that oiss me off to no end. I don't know why these people think they're doing something good because the God I serve couldnt possibly be pleased with them....

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Christians should know better than anyone we aren't to judge others, yet they judge more than anyone.. I am also a christian but like (lyssablau). I can't stand they way most act all self righteous.. It also gives us christians who aren't like that a bad name.. We are supposed to love everyone like God loves us and he loves everyone including gays.. I'm not saying I agree with that lifestyle but I don't judge it I have friends and family that are gay and I love them just as much as anybody else and would never put myself above them in anyway.. My grandfather died in 08 we had a military funeral and it was beautiful. I was sitting by my grandmother and. One of the soldiers after giving my grandmother the flag took my hand and said something very sweet he looked me and my grandmother right in the eyes so sincere they are good people they are heros and should be honored as them gay or not they are better than the people of that church that would do something like that.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Thank you. I know quite a few Christians who judge people like there's no tomorrow. I also know a lot of Christians who are nothing like that, and are fantastic people. But because of people like those at the Westboro Baptist church, a lot of people assume all Christian's are hypocrites. It's ridiculous.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

...dumb Baptists...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So "even if" the person was gay, that would be OK? Plus, the US Army doesn't allow gay people to serve openly.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

is it just me? or does it seem that the lesbians are tolerated more than the gays?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's not just you. Remember when 13 on House had that intense makeout session, and then Angela from Bones was also bi? Yeah, double standards suck.

by Anonymous 14 years ago