+256 The moment someone thats even slightly overweight starts acting like a douchebag, even the nicest people in school will start making fun of their weight. However, in most societies it is completely possible to be fat and not have the entire school making fun of you for it. If you're nice, the only people that will hate you are the jealous ones and the insensitive jerks. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly. Same thing goes for girls with mustaches. There is this chick at my school who gets made fun of for it because she is a complete butthole. Plenty of other girls have staches, though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"if you're nice" so it's acceptable to make fun of a person's weight if they're a douchebag? are you implying that people have less tolerance for douchebaginess if the person in question is overweight? sometimes i think that society thinks the overweight should have just naturally a lower confidence level than those who are deemed attractive. i know many overweight people who just are quite confident, and mean the best...but i think that it is their mainstream ugliness that marks their confidence as douchebaginess, for whatever societal reason that can't quite be explained.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think OP is trying to say that their weight is overlooked when they have a nice personality, just like everything else. Say someone was ugly, but they are a nice person, so people won't notice. When someone is mean, people when generally retaliate with some of the same, and the only thing you can pick on is weight.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no, weight is not the only thing you can pick on, especially if it's in retaliation to the fact the person in question is being a dick. weight is not something you should pick on, period. the fact that someone uses it when a person becomes mean in their eyes only shows that the weight problem was something that they had noticed to begin with, but hadn't voiced. and sometimes, i think a person's physicality separates them from others, to the point of he/she being excluded before any true personality is shown. people pick on people's weight long before ever really talking to them. i mean, "if you're nice," and "overlooked" are phrases that just sound a tad disconcerting to me, and i think that even if a person's mean, those making fun of their appearance are still only the jealous and insensitive jerks. this post is literally implying that it's rather alright to make fun of weight if the person in question is mean, too...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sometimes that doesn't work. You'll call them out for being a bitch, and they'll just say "Oh, I know I'm a bitch," as if they are proud of it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well then, that's too bad. you're just as much of a bitch for calling them out on their weight. weight shouldn't even be as close-to-home for people...but it is, because of the shallow, sarcastic, insulting humor that we all seem to cherish, that often puts appearances on a level of huge importance for those with even a little insecurity in themselves they'll realize it when they realize it, then...shallow digs towards appearance have nothing to do with how they made you feel by just being a plain old douche

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What if it wasn't about weight, but about a stache like in my previous comment? I've seen people bully others for things beside weight, and ths one being bullied only has weight to retaliate with because the bigger person is gorgeous. I know it's not right, but it's the only thing left.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

um, wouldn't he/she have something less shallow to retaliate with? is jabbing at someone's outward appearance really all anybody has as far as 'retaliating' topics? i'm saying it's wrong not just for people to be put down for their weight but also for people to be insulted based on any outward seemingly imperfections. it's not the only thing left...call a person out on the bullying, mean stuff that they're doing. not what clothes they wear or what baby fat may still linger on their body or their lady staches...because that stuff isn't even relevant, that's just enlarging other people's insecurities in themselves when you don't have to and you had no right to. people already spend way too much time fretting over their own appearance. or retaliate by ignoring them. who knows. but i think attacking their appearance is a low blow

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not saying it isnt a low blow, but sometimes its the only thing left. Sometimes they are proud of their doucheness and you can't say anything besides that to get at them. Although it's better not to say anything at all, most people jut can't.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

But that doesn't mean that there aren't many unattractive people that are mistreated and don't deserve it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This post makes me so mad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I've never witnessed this. When I see someone get hated on because they're a douchebag, people call them a douchebag.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm 140 lbs on a 5ft 2 frama and when I'm being a douchebag people don't call me fat. Even if they call me fat for other reasons, I don't care, like I don't know I'm fat?

by Anonymous 12 years ago