+375 Imagine if reruns remembered everything from the first time they showed: "Luke" "I KNOW, YOU'RE MY FATHER." , "Everyone relax, I just gotta kiss the sleeping beauty to bring her back. She only ate the apple five minutes ago" Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"Dude everyone chill, Rosebud was his sled, it's ok."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

+10 Cool Points.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Hey man, whatcha eating?" "I was hungry, so I got me some Soylent Green." "Wait, don't you remember? That stuff's people!" "Well... I was really hungry."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"Fuck off, I know you're calling from inside my house"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ron: WTF Snape killed Dumbledore? Harry: It's cool, man. Dumbledore asked him to.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Every single rom-com in the history of ever "*smacks leading man across the face* How could you say that about me and/or be seeing that other woman?!" "Wait, don't you remember? You only heard me saying something completely out of context or that woman who you saw me with was my sister or possibly both" "Oh yeah, sorry about that. Wanna fuck?" "Only if said fucking is only heavily implied rather than shown to the audience. This is only rated PG-13 after all"

by Anonymous 11 years ago