+394 Schools should stop focusing on students appearance so much and work on actually giving them some freedom of expression and a much proper education. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol a much proper education?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(bo diddley): Yes. More prop than it currently is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because its not propped enough

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So they shouldn't complain when a student shows up with her boobs spilling out of her shirt?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People are gonna do whatever they're gonna do. It's better to accept that and focus on improving the school than worrying about things they don't control.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think they should at least enforce it a little, because as much as we complain, it IS distracting when people wear slutty clothes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

heheh yess yess very distracting

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love my uniform. I feel comfortable and confident, and people see you, not what you're wearing. Well, unless you roll your kilt up to your ass, then people forget what your face looks like.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Obviously there should be some limitations, but students shouldn't be taken out of class because their shorts didn't reach their fingertips or their shoulders are showing. If you can see their ass, boobs, vagina/dick, etc., there should be some punishment [duh], but my friend was once taken out of 2 classes because she wore sweats to school. She had to sit in the nurses office for /2/ classes because she had to wait for her mom to bring actual pants. /walloftext

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, I agree with this. My school didn't have uniforms and had a fairly slack dress code, but when things got out of hand (i.e., too revealing, weed stuff, etc.), then something was done. But for the most part we were free to be ourselves. However, there does need to be some control.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My school doesn't even stop weed stuff. There are kids with legalize bracelets and pot leaf clothes, people who show up smelling like pot, when people are blatantly discussing drugs, etc.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The legalize pot stuff is allowed because technically it's a form of protest. But in general, you're not supposed to have it. Kids are always high at my school, though. They only get sent home if they're being stupid. For the most part, kids are fine when high at my school.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People don't always get high at my school(usually). Mostly, they skip school to stay home and get high. However, they do bring empty water bottles to school so they have something to spit chew in or chew in the bathrooms. It's disgusting. Then there are the people who talk about how drunk or high they got recently or what they're going to smoke this weekend. The teachers are completely aware how common getting drunk or stoned is, and mostly which ones are doing it. They just stopped caring.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hm, there are a ton of FASD/FAE kids at my school (symptoms include ADHD-like behaviour and lack of concentration). Some of these kids actually perform better at school when high, that's why the teachers don't do anything during the day if the kids are high but still being good. That said, the better teachers will take the kid aside at the end of the day and really talk with them. Not get angry, but talk and see why the kid is acting so. Some kids don't do so well while high and they get sent home (a phone call or letter gets sent as well, but often times the parent is more high than the kid [or drunk, or passed out, etc.] so nothing gets done at home). That's why the good teachers at my school actually talk to the kids, because the parents won't. It's just sad...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

At my school, it's too often that the teachers just ignore it or just don't care. The people who smoke pot here are just morons. One guy, he'd be the one of the smartest people in our class, if he'd just stop drinking, stopped smoking pot and started caring about his school work. There are so many potheads around here, my town actually smells like pot at night during the summer. Just too many stupid kids, doing stupid stuff and not enough people trying to deal with it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, the teachers either care or don't care at all. There are no in-between teachers. Fortunately the ones that care, care a lot. However, some kids simply don't care. The problems in my town are alcoholism and abuse and poverty and all things bad within a cycle, so it's terribly difficult to get kids out of that. I am the only person from my graduating class to go on to post secondary education. I only graduated with two other people. It's just a mess. I don't even know what could be done.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My town's problems are teen pregnancy, underage drinking and drug use. But man, only 3 people graduating? Seriously?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Amen. NOT

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know someone who wore a hat that had pictures of US troops on it, and a phrase in honor of Veterans Day. Guess who got in trouble cause the pictures were "inappropriate"? Our country allows people to disrespect US troops, but silences those who want to show support for them. That's just fucked up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not to disagree with you, but America is definitely NOT disrespecting troops. In fact, they are highly glorified to the point where a lot of people dis others (namely people from Iraq or general middle east) because they are apparent 'enemies'

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I would just prefer if the dress code was enforced on all students. I go to a school with 20% poor kids, 60% middle class kids, and another 20% rich kids. All the rich kids' parents donate to the school so the dress code is only put down upon the kids who aren't rich enough to give much money. All the rich girls can have their ass cracks showing but if any of the middle class/poor kids did that, we'd be caught in ten seconds. INB4 TL;DR

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree that some rules are unneeded. For example, I don't see how tank tops are inappropriate. However, when a girl's chest is barely covered or a guy's pants are at mid-thigh, the dress code should definitely be enforced.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*more proper. Proves your point for you

by Anonymous 13 years ago

my school doesn't focus on appearance...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There should be rules, like no tank tops, not extremely short short/skirts, etc., but I agree - at my first high school, you'd get in trouble for wearing the wrong socks or something. Stuff like that is stupid, and does not effect our education in anyway. There should be guidelines, so that kids know what's appropriate, but having really pedantic dress codes just distracts more from teaching and learning.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd say private schools can do pretty much what they want (after all, you only go there if you pay to) but for public schools... as long as the essentials are covered, the rest really shouldn't matter. I remember getting in trouble at my middle school because my pants had a fringe on them. Seriously. I had wondered that morning why I couldn't remember wearing them to school before, then I found out. I had to go through the trouble of hemming them in the nurse's office with safety pins. I think I stabbed myself a few times, too. So, yeah. Some rules are particularly stupid, but some do need to be enforced. Aside from not showing bits that not everyone wants to see, it shouldn't really matter. My school also had a vendetta against holey jeans. Unless the holes are in a revealing part, I don't see why it matters. That's not very nice if those are some of the only jeans somebody can afford. So basically, it should be decent, but that ought to be the extent of the "rules".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, and we had to wear shirts long enough to be tucked in. Because a tucked in t-shirt is in no way ugly. Or awkward. I think my middle school administration is responsible for some pre-teen/teen traumas. Not for me, but it still irritated the hell out of me. Luckily, the t-shirt tucking in wasn't enforced regularly, but heaven forbid you wear any other type of shirt and not tuck it in. *anybody know an emoticon to signify rolling eyes?* And then I get to high school and find myself confronted on a daily basis by some girl's ass crack and supposedly appealing thong. Yay.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I live in Australia, and uniform is compulsory in every school. I've been to both public and private schools and they've both been strict, private stricter than public of course. I'm glad I have a uniform, I wouldn't survive having to choose a new outfit everyday.

by Anonymous 13 years ago