+64 people need to stop complaining about learning things in school that they think they will never use. just because you aren't using it now, doesn't mean you wont use it later in life, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Well most of the things you learn you won't use. But there's nothing we can do about that anyway.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

let me repeat myself. just because you aren't using it now, doesn't mean you wont use it later in life. unless you forgot most of it, thinking that you'll never use it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its like if i say im going to learn every single language possible 'cause "just because you aren't using it now, doesn't mean you wont use it later in life"

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No i agree that you might use it later, most likely you'll use a bunch of it, but some of it is very unnecessary. Like geometry. Most of it is just common sense so why do we have to waste a whole year on it?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

In 7th grade, I learned how many chromosomes a carrot has. Do I need to know that?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"Geometry is found everywhere: in art, architecture, engineering, robotics, land surveys, astronomy, sculptures, space, nature, sports, machines, cars and much more." from http://math.about.com/od/geometry/a/whygeom.htm @16078 (SheSaidWhat): @16098 (Alice): there will always be something that you will learn but wont need, but do you really need to go complaining about it all over the place?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But it won't matter until you need it for such things, at which point it will be so faint in your memory it wouldn't make a difference whether you learned it before or not.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

well you know, now one can force you to do anything. so if you want to fail at school, go ahead thats your choice :) kthxbai

by Anonymous 14 years ago