+220 You're never sure where to put your eyes when a couple starts making out in close proximity to you, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Stare directly at them and pull out a camera. Make them feel awkward.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Its even worse when they look at you briefly, apologize for making things awkward, and then continue.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

One time when I was walking down the hall at my school I accidentally ran into this couple making out, as i walked away I heard them yelling "ow!"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Origins of this post, for anyone who cares: my mom and I were staying in a hotel and I decided to go out for a late-night dip in the pool. This was in Texas, so it was outside in a courtyard. I was floating on my back in it, looking up at the stars, and this couple came outside, got in the hot tub, and started doing things that would probably cause a health code violation. I splashed around a bit in case they just hadn't noticed I was there, but as it turned out they didn't mind having an audience. Then I felt like I couldn't leave without looking like a prude, so I swam some very awkward laps while waiting for them to finish with the miracle of life. Mentally scarred, I collected my service dog from the side of the pool (they hadn't minded him watching, either) hurried back to my room and made this post. Don't go in the hot tub.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

were they at least somewhat attractive?

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago