+374 Dear Teachers, I should be outside hanging out with friends, seeing movies, and having fun. BUT instead I'm stuck inside, doing all the homework that you've assigned, but won't grade, because YOU'RE spending the weekend talking to other teachers about how annoying WE are. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

They complain about having SO much work to grade. They assigned it, though. WE should be complaining. We do, but still! Haha

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Please, my English teacher doesn't even grade. She either gets her 6th graders to do it, or just gives us a random grade without even looking at the test/homework. Also, her GRANDMOTHER subs for her. Ya, her GRANDMOTHER. (aka the she devil)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I seriously doubt that teachers spend their weekends gossiping with other teachers about their students.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Oh Please. It's just like us... We gossip about school and teachers all the time and the teachers know it! So why would the vise versa be any different?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you should meet my teachers. we have some that lose our work...and decide we cant do it over because it wasnt their fault.

by Anonymous 13 years ago