+397 I get it, beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes. But not EVERYBODY is beautiful. Deny it all you want, but it's true. There are some people in the world that are just disgusting. And being ridiculously overweight isn't beautiful either, it's unhealthy and gross. You have no excuse to be overweight unless you have a medical condition that gives you a hard time losing weight. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not to sound mean or anything, but I think when people say "everybody is beautiful" it means that everyone can be beautiful or everyone has the potential to be beautiful on the inside, not that everyone is pretty in the current state of being.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But even then some people have just horrible personalities. Therefore, if you say "everybody is beautiful" it's untrue either way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well thats why I said that everyone has the POTENTIAL to be beautiful on the inside...some people change :]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You said some people change, not everybody changes. Your argument is invalid. I suggest you just stop now.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Quit being such a close-minded pessimist. A person need some kind of inciting action to change themselves and if you go back to my first comment you'll see that my argument is that everybody CAN be beautiful and that is what people mean by that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And quit being such an unrealistic-optimist. Out of the 6-billion people on Earth, NOT everybody can be beautiful, hate to burst your bubble but it's the truth.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah right with all the plastic surgeons and cosmetics these days I think you're wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Really now? So, what happened to the beauty on the inside? Oh and what about this: http://forums.pelicanparts.com/uploads14/lea+before+and+after1231557186.jpg http://www.colorcontactlensbuy.com/wp-content/uploads/bad-plastic-surgery-before-and-after-pictures.jpg http://www.homorazzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/jocelyn-wildenstein-plastic-surgery-before-and-after.jpg http://blog.pappastax.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/jackson-before-and-after.jpg You have obviously no idea what you're talking about.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"NOT everybody can be beautiful" It's nice that you accept this about yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No@1221963 (CforChristina): Not to be extremely corny, but beauty is different for each person, personality-wise and appearance wise. Yes, there are some extremely disgusting people, but there's probably someone out there who probably feels they couldn't be more gorgeous. It's the same thing with personality; some people can't stand overly- nice people whereas some people like bitchy attitudes. Lastly, mNmLOver14 was just saying that for those who aren't the best looking make up for it with their personality and vice versa and how everyone has a chance to change, even though some change for the worse.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Let me summarize this: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thanks buddy. I didn't want to do it because I thought it'd be too corny.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yea I considered that too, but then I was like screw that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

highfive for corniness?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, you're a bitch.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop being a whiny little bitch. Obviously yes not everyone will be beautiful. It's on the inside and out. Example: a nasty ass smelly-started-puberty-in-3rd-grade freak. He looks nasty on the outside, and is a total asshole on the inside. A slightly overweight Oma<3 who has to take medicine that makes her overweight even though she swims every single day at age 85. She is a beautiful human being, she's the nicest person you'd ever meet. : )

by Anonymous 13 years ago

it breaks my heart to see anyone say that or agree with it. bitch.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Beauty is an opinion though. Just because you think someone is ugly doesn't mean that no one else thinks they are beautiful. What is the actual point of this post anyways? I think over weight people are already humiliated enough on a daily basis.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"you have no excuse to be overweight.." Really? What if maybe they are happy with themselves? People should have the right to live the way they want to live regardless of how other people may view them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They won't be too happy when they get a heart attack, or realise that they're too unfit to walk up or down stairs, or something. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's for them to decide... It's not our life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What I hate is when overweight people get UPSET when someone makes fun of them for their weight. If they're happy with it and they want to be fat, then power to them & I don't see why they would be mad when they want to live like that. Now, other than having a medical condition, overweight people that get made fun of and get upset about it, I see no reason for them too. They CAN change their situation, but they choose not to, so people can talk about it all they want to. Yes I'm prepared to get lot's of NW's for this, but it's the truth.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well it is possible to accept yourself and have someone make fun of you. For example, if I got a haircut and I really liked it, but everyone else made fun of me for it, should I be ridiculed for keeping it? Even though I have the choice to change it back, if I like it the way it is then why should I change for anyone else? In other words, they do have a right to be upset.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you are a beautiful person even through all of your pessimistic bring me down splendor.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There's a difference between pessimism and realism.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why was your comment downvoted? It's the truth. Sorry that not everyone is a happy go lucky person who believes in unicorns and world peace.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe in unicorns and world peace.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Doesn't mean everyone else does, though. :P I believe that unicorns and world peace exist in a perfect universe, but that universe happens not to be this one. :P But anyway, different people believe different things. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...Backhanded compliment? :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is a horrible post and you should feel horrible for posting it. Beauty isn't limited to appearences.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

OP should feel horrible for being logical? :P And so what does that make you, for insulting them and their post? It's just their opinion. :P Anyway, it's not possible for EVERYONE in the world to ALL be beautiful. It'd be like if everyone was a genius, or in other words, if everyone stood out more than everyone else. That's not possible. Definition of beautiful: "1. Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically" so in other words, nice to look at or visualize, and "2. Of a very high standard; excellent" that would imply standing out compared to everything/everyone else, and/or being of a better standard than everything/everyone else. Which of course, isn't possible for EVERYONE. If everyone in the world was somehow better than every other person at the same time, then "better", and every other related word or concept, would basically lose its meaning.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It actually is. Just because you don't think someone is beautiful doesn't mean no one else can. And just because you think someone is beautiful doesn't mean someone else has to. Beauty is entirely in the eye of the beholder.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/200804/all-stereotypes-are-true-except-ii-beauty-is-in-the-eye-th I get what you're saying, but I think we're saying different things. :P I'm saying that it's not possible for *everyone* to *be* beautiful,. and you're saying that it's possible for *anyone* to *be considered* beautiful. Would that be correct? :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are some people who appear to be really ugly and act really ugly, and most people think there's no way they can be beautiful. But there will always be people who honestly think they are, completely. It's unbelievable. Even some of the 'ugliest' people I've ever seen (horrible face, personality, unusual and creepy voice) are considered physically beautiful by some others, although considered hideous by the general public. I've even seen 300, 400+ pound people with loving boyfriends and girlfriends. Even the fattest guy in the world, Manuel Uribe, got married. And he was over 700 pounds, originally 1300+.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Everyone has beauty, just not everyone sees it in the same person. You, and everyone that agreed, must just be shallow people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Shallow because we don't think everyone is beautiful, inside OR out? Hmph, if that's what you mean then so be it. You MUST be one of those people that generalizes others based on the shit they say over the internet. You'll go far with that attitude.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say everyone thought everyone was beautiful. I said everyone sees it in different people. Truly believing that someone is, as they put it, disgusting, is shallow. And saying that someone has no reason to be overweight is prejudice and offensive. I wasn't generalising either.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say you did. I was countering your statement because you implied that we were shallow for not finding beauty in everyone, no matter the form. I don't think it is, because it's what you feel, so who has the right to make you feel bad for that? That's almost worse than the "ugly people" getting made fun of. It's not offensive, it's true. Unless they have a medical condition, they shouldn't complain that people make fun of them over something they can fix. & yes you were, you said "you and everyone that agrees with OP is shallow" which is generalizing the people that agreed with this post as shallow people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You did say it in your first sentence. I think you misread my original comment. I never said EVERYONE finds beauty in EVERYONE, I said not everyone sees it the same person. Did you ever stop to think it's he peope like you who make them worse making comments and making them feel bad, it only makes them turn to food, and it's not their fault, it's just bad habits. Don't tell me you don't have any either. I wasnt generalising, I was stating my conclusion from the facts published above, the people who agreed, what other reason would there be for them to agree?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder= true Beauty changes across cultures= ture Everyone CAN BE beautiful= ture Everyone IS beautiful= false Example: The bitchy girl who throws up every meal she eats and looks like a slight breeze will break her. She looks down on everyone above a size 1 and her skin is so tighly wrapped around her skeleton her joints are the bigest part of her arm. She isn't beautiful in our culture. She's to bitchy to be considered beautiful on the inside, even runway models are discusted by how skinny she is, and she chose to be this bad. In a differnt culture bigger is a sign of food and there for money. She looks poor and ugly. In another culture, she's disgusting for wasting food. She's just UGLY. Not everyone is beautiful, sorry.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some shallow, immature douchebags would think she's beautiful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But what if this bitchy girl is so insecure, so desperate to be pretty, to be liked, that she feels the need to be so thin? Her parents never told her she was pretty, and she has no self esteem, so she feels she has to diet, because that is the only way she can be pretty. She is utterly miserable and wishes everyday that someone would tell her that she is beautiful, but no one ever does; so she tries to convince herself that no one else is beautiful either. She has been told by society that only thin people are beautiful, and if she is not beautiful, why are others?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You can be beautiful on the inside, beautiful on the outside, or both. BUT, you can also be 'not so good looking' on the outside and ugly on the inside. If someone is morbidly(?) obese, and in there spare time they help out at the humane society, find the best in everybody, and is the most sincere and caring person you have ever met, is she still ugly and disgusting? What if she tried to her maximum ability to lose weight and stay healthy, JUST so she could take care of those poor animals at the shelter. I bet she's still ugly, until she loses weight, right? Sicko.. :/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, if someone is morbidly obese, then that means that most likely they aren't that beautiful *to look at*, but if they are super-nice and caring and all that, then of course they're beautiful on the inside, and clearly have an amazingly beautiful personality/character! :) I'm pretty sure what the post meant was that different people CAN be beautiful in different ways, but 1, it's not possible for every single person in the world to be considered beautiful at the same time, and 2, *some* people ARE not-so-nice to look at, and/or are not-so-nice people. Being overweight/obese doesn't cancel out a nice personality of course, but a nice personality doesn't make a person aesthetically beautiful, either. :P Appearance and personality are completely different things, and people can be considered "beautiful" or nice or something as a result of either, but there are some people out there who don't have a nice appearance, or a nice personality.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, two more things: 1, I think people are interpreting this post in a lot of different ways, which is why some people (like me) think it makes sense, other people think it doesn't, and others think it's some kind of attack on overweight people. :P 2, is the person (overweight but super-nice person) you were talking about in your comment an actual person, or just hypothetical? Either way, I really want to hug them! xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what she's saying is that when people are morbidly obese for no reason, or trashy and bitchy for no reason they can't say "everyone is beautiful." everyone CAN be beautiful in some way shape or form, but not every uses their beauty to its full potential.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Since when did being overweight start automatically classifying a person as unhealthy or gross? Obesity is unhealthy. Having a bit extra weight can be healthy. People who are skinny aren't always healthy either so before you go judging a person about their weight issues just think of the possibilities. Maybe a teenage boy is overweight because his parents can't afford to feed him anything but fast food. That's not his fault and he can't help it. Maybe a girl's father just died and she's gained an extra 20 lbs because eating lots of food gives get comfort. That extra weight doesn't make her any less beautiful on the inside. The point is that you don't know everyone's history and why they are the way they are. So next time you make such ridiculous generalizations just think about all the people you may be negatively affecting with your shallow opinions!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The post just meant that a very overweight person would tend not to seem too aesthetically nice to look at, to most people. The circumstances behind their weight don't make them any more or less superficially beautiful or otherwise. Inner beauty and outer beauty are *completely* separate things. An ugly or not-so-nice looking person can have an amazing personality and have inner beauty, and a nice-looking person could have a terrible personality. They're not related at all, apart from the word "beauty" or "beautiful" being used to describe both. :P Also, notice that the post said "ridiculously overweight". So they didn't mean someone who is like 5 pounds overweight because of some technicality, they mean someone who'd be literally like beyond obese. :P And of course, even a person like that could still have inner beauty, because the two aren't connected. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Blood-Rose, how does a girl being anorexic make her a bitch? How do you know she doesn't have a traumatic past or a mental disorder?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd kinda assumed they meant that the hypothetical person happened to be bitch *in addition* to being anorexic. Also, reading their comment, they didn't specifically say "anorexic". :P And I'd assume that if that was an actual person, they definitely would have a mental disorder and/or traumatic past. I think Blood-Rose was just trying to make a point, by showing an example of a person who could be considered not-so-nice in appearance, *and* not-so-nice in personality, which would prove that *not* absolutely everyone can be considered beautiful in some way (or something like that). :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*stands on chair* EVERYBODY SHUT UP!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Seriously. This is the dumbest arguement I've ever seen. Well, read. You know what I mean.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Excuse me, but just because I'm fat doesn't mean I'm not beautiful. I could be the nicest person you'd ever meet, but chances are that a closeminded hoe bag like you would never give me a chance because of it. And fat doesn't make people ugly, if they don't take care of themselves in their hygene, that's what makes them ugly. Just because I overeat doesn't mean I don't take care of myself. It's not like I binge, I just eat a little more than nessecary, and it added up. Get over yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Beautiful" (in the aesthetic/superficial sense) and "nice" (as a person) are completely different and unrelated things, though. The OP didn't say that they were the same, I'm pretty sure she just meant that most people in general (including her, I suppose) don't find *extremely* overweight/obese people nice to look at. That says nothing about individual people's personalities. Also, I think you definitely just proved that different people have different definitions of "ugly". :P Since ugly, in your opinion, is bad hygiene, and that's not my definition. Being extremely fat/overweight/obese can and does make people ugly, in the opinions of some people. Also, not-extremely-nice-looking =/= extremely-bad-looking. Just 'cause someone doesn't stand out amazingly appearance-wise, and might not be considered beautiful, doesn't automatically mean they're ugly. It might mean they're average, or nearly beautiful, or one of the many other things in between it all. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How is eating more than necessary taking good care of yourself? You're shoving food into your body when it doesn't need it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Like I said, overeating is not nessecarily BAD. It's not like I eat twice as much as I should, just a small amount over the portion size, which most people do, anywayz

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wish we could all get along like we used to on amirite. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat it and be happy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

She doesn't even go here...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(milks.favorite.cooki): I just have a lot of feelings.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fucking finally someone says it. This isn't 6 Billion Secrets or GMH, finally someone comes out and explains that no, not EVERYONE is beautiful. There's an obese girl in my school who is defo not beautiful "Oh but lolol on teh insider!!!111" With the amount she eats, the inside is probably nastier. Get over it, there are some truly horrendous people out there, but if you want to say theyre beautiful on the inside, thats something completely different than physical appearance.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

She might be beautiful from her mom's point of view.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Everyone's beautiful in their mother's eyes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly, so everyone is beautiful. It doesn't always have to be from the media's point of view, you know.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not the media but everyone in general. Someone can be horrendous but their mother will still find them beautiful while the rest of the world doesn't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But they would still be beautiful, at least in someone's point of view.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, your mom

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know it's been a really long time since this was posted, but I saw it on the random page and felt the need to comment. Who are you to say if someone is beautiful or not? Beauty is completely objective. That's why we have different favorite colors, and why we're all attracted to different kinds of people. Just because you find someone to be "disgusting" doesn't mean everyone else does, too. I hate to break it to you, but your opinion isn't the only one that matters. Everyone in this world is beautiful to someone, regardless of what your opinion of beauty is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Meant to say "subjective."

by Anonymous 13 years ago