+271 Can you not: wear makeup, care about how you look, dress nicely, flirt with guys, or anything else normal teenagers do without being stamped with "SLUT" on your forehead? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Inorite (and I'm a guy!): Seriously people: Just because someone is thin/wears makeup/rich/beautiful/gets male attention does not mean that they are a mean whore who deserves to be burned at the stake. And just because someone is fat/poor/an outcast/different/homely does not mean that they are these virtuous gods who deserve to be worshiped. In fact, these types of people maybe some of the more judgmental people out there. <Rant over>

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just remember that people see their own faults in other people. If a girl calls other girls sluts, there's a good chance her vagina is a golfbag for dicks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I dress nicely for school 90% of the time & guys flirt with me and no one's called me a slut. I don't feel the need to wear makeup, especially in school. Most people do all of these things, to the extreme's like super heavy/bright makeup, tight & short clothes, and practically fucking a guy in class, and when you combine those, that will get you the label.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can do literally all of these things without being branded a slut; this entire post is a huge exaggeration

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This post was probably written by a slut.

by Anonymous 12 years ago