+246 People complain about the rich "making too much money." What gives them the right to decide how much is "too much"? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The obvious and ridiculously large gap between the rich and poor in our society, perhaps?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The rich earned and deserve that money, perhaps?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Perhaps they earned it, perhaps they were born into it, perhaps they stole it, whatever the case may be I don't think anyone "deserves" to contribute to the appallingly unequal distribution Oh wealth in our society. The fact is, the obscenely wealthy make exceptions and give favor to the obscenely wealthy. Take taxation for example. If every year 20% of my earnings go to paying taxes, and I make about 30,000, then obviously that will make much more of a fiscal impact on me/my family than it would to some multimillionaire who pays the same percentage. It isn't fair.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*of wealth

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's true. But that doesn't mean it's fair to attack people because they're productive citizens. That's unamerican. Besides, taxing the rich too much hurts the economy, and decreases government revenue.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with you, not necessarily about the unamerican part, but productive, successful people shouldn't be attacked. But keep in mind both you and I are speaking in generalities. I don't think all rich people are assholes who need to learn how to share, and I'm sure you'll agree that not all rich people are upstanding, hard working people. Where I live, at one school alone has had to lay off 20 or so of it's employees due to "restricted funds" but the superintendent sure did give himself a five-figured bonus. This type of stuff happens often and I'm sure that's enough to piss anyone off. But to be honest, I don't think money is the issue so much as the unfair practices and privileges that go along with it. People with vast wealth are basically above the law, and it's disgusting. When people are arguing about this particular issue I believe the idea of "too much money" refers to the point when one ceases to be a regular citizen and becomes part of the "el...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

elite. And that inspires resentment and contempt. Why should a celebrity get caught with drugs and get a slap on the wrist, but I get 5yrs minimum? Like I said earlier, I don't think money is the real issue here. With enough money, political influence, or fame you can do whatever the hell you please. We should all be treated fairly, but we so obviously aren't. Now THAT'S what I'd call unamerican.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

About your whole tax rant, what about someone who makes 3 million dollars a year? Do you think it's fair for them to give up $600,000 of their hard earned money when you only give up 6,000? Your whole argument doesn't take a rich person's view into consideration. Why would a rich person want to pay a 27% tax if a poor person would only have to pay 15%? Wouldn't a rich person think that was not fair?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, i do think it's fair because that person wont be hit as hard financially as the poorer person. Lol What will they have to wait all the way until next year to get that second Mercedes? I realize we can't "punish the rich for being rich" but why should the alternative be to punish the poor for being poor? That's just an asshole mentality to have, you know? Look, I get how the economy works, i don't want to debate politics, I'm old enough to know the world isn't fair, and I'm not naive enough to think I can fix it. But at the very least I understand why people are so resentful.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your whole argument can't be taken seriously because we have progressive tax rates anyways so the rich pay a higher percentage than the poor.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In Texas? Anyway, I was using taxes as an example, as this particular issue goes much deeper. Unfair taxation is only of aspect of a much bigger problem. Read my response to pantherfanatic,it's too much to rewrite.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Uh, yes. Even in Texas (I know you guys are special and all, but not in this case), it's a national law. And in response to your reply to panther fanatic, I think you do make a valid point, but I think you're also overstating the issue. A century or two ago, you could almost buy your way out of anything (you could pay a fine to get out of the Civil War draft) and it is still a problem today, but not as bad. Obviously if we knew the exact extent of the corruption, there wouldn't be any corruption but I'm going to put some faith in the system and say it's getting rooted out.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're going to put faith in the system and hope for the best? ... oh, I see you're still a kid, aren't you? I'm not trying to be condescending, but trust me if you are putting blind faith in politics you are in for a rude awakening. I didn't overstate anything, you CAN buy your way out of anything. It's scary actually. As far as taxes go, it's been awhile since my Texas Government class and I was repeating what I remember my professor saying. But, I'll have to do a bit of research on state and national laws here. And yes, we are special. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Reminds me of a post I made... http://www.amirite.net/199392 haha

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lmao Right?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You sir sound extremely left wing. What is complaining that the rich are rich going to do? Life's unfair get over it

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh, no! Not extremely left wing! Lmao You are right about the rest, which is why I said the exact same thing in my response to rainbows, actually. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know where you live, but in America we don't have flat taxes. The rich pay a higher percentage of their wages than everyone else. And poor people can get a tax refund bigger than what they paid, I was able to.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

...yeah, if you read everything I wrote I mentioned to capedcrusador it's been awhile since my government class and I need to double check some facts,admittedly I'm no expert. Also, you would note that taxation was just an example I used to get a bigger point across but people seem stuck on it. Listen, I know I wrote a novel, and I'm really not trying to be rude but unless you read every word there's no need to respond, as it was probably already covered. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I read it, but I thought tax refunds were a valid point because I know a lot of people can get money that way. And about the celebrities in jail thing: I know they kept Paris Hilton in jail for a month (the regular sentence) but normally would have been kicked out after one night due to an overfill in the jail (about 1 out of 10 citizens in California are incarcerated), and I know she's not the only one. The thing with authorities in school giving themselves bonuses annoys the heck out of me too, it's happening at my local university. And I think it's not a bad thing that if someone is making themselves richer they're making the gap between the rich and poor larger. It's the other end we should be worrying about. Overall, I think the vast majority of rich are good, just like the vast majority of people in general are good (ish). Like you said, it's those with political power, with wealth or not, that need to be watched.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Either way, those who work hard deserve to earn what they do. If wealth was evenly distributed, no one would ever have to do anything. If that were the case, the people who work their asses off would make the same amount as someone who sits around all day and does nothing. How is that fair? If you're displeased with your level of income, there ARE opportunities to increase it to what you prefer. There are so many opportunities to better your education, and in turn, to get a better, more well-paying job. It all comes down to who's willing to work for it. Fairtax FTW.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe in white surburbia where you live. Try spreading your message of equal opportunity to an inner-city child with a crackwhore for a mom who can't focus on school because they have to work shit jobs to survive. I'm sure they have plenty of chances to augment their income.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Honestly, that sucks. That situation can't be easy to live in, and I get that. But with SO many scholarships, and government-funded programs, they can get help. This isn't totally relevant, but take my mom for instance. She was raised basically in the streets downtown atlanta, both of her parents died, she was passed through the foster-care system like crazy. She was the primary caretaker of her sibling and herself at a very young age. But she overcame it, went to school, and now makes a pretty decent income. So just saying, it CAN be done.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Public school, community college, Government grants, and financial aid. It's not impossible for kids who are raising themselves to be successful, they just have to know how to get help.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A lot of people like you don't understand that for some people its not even possible to go to school much less actually succeed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with you 100%, expecially on that last part. *thumbs up*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also, it seems like the people who complain about the rich making money are not those who try their hardest but grew up in a bad situation or can't make money for some other valid reason-- it's the lazy ones.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not only is increasing the taxes on the rich unfair, it is also detrimental to the economy. The rich really are the backbone of most businesses, and employ many working class people. If they are over-taxed, their businesses will suffer, thus putting even MORE people out of work; further contributing to the issue. It's a vicious cycle.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That may have been true in 1960. When the tax on the highest income bracket was 91%. However, neither the Reagan nor bush tax cuts really did anything to improve the economy. The rich could definitely pay a higher tax rate than they do now. Note that I'm talking about the super rich. Like over maybe 2 million a year.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Note: This post is not limited to the rich. People that make minimum wage and barely get by say that $55,000 a year is too much.

by Anonymous 12 years ago