+304 It is fucking disgusting for a privileged person to tell a member of a minority group that the state of oppression they live in is the "natural order of things" rather than a social construct based on fear and hate, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

survival of the fittest I guess

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I am sad this is how it is. I mean, we need people to do menial jobs. Cleaning trash, janitorial, etc. If you really wanted a job, you would've done better in school, right? Sure life hits you with the worst but the people who are flipping burgers at McDee's chose to be there or they would have gotten a better job. It's not a minority problem, just lack of smarts and drive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're completely right. Not enough people today want to take blame for their own shitty lives. And even if someone is responsible for your shitty life, you can either sit around and complain about it or pick yourself up and move the fuck on.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you for agreeing. I thought people would completely label me as ignorant when I posted this up.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

thats not always true. there are lots of extenuating circumstances that you don't know about.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

i don't agree with that at all. lots of people have started at low paying jobs and worked their way up. but in the current economic times the opposite is happening. people are being downsized out of jobs and can't find comparable ones.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

The wonders of capitalism is that everyone has the ability to make something of themselves. Yes, some people have it easier, but that is because someone before them made something of themselves. The social structure is completely fair. With public schools, unions, and everything else in the world today, everyone has the same opportunity, it is just what you make of it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

@1242570 (Phil): You both do make good points that I agree with, but to clarify, I wasn't really talking about capitalism - I wrote this during my Sociology lecture, so I dunno, maybe I didn't phrase it properly, it was more like, someone saying women being on a lower level to men is just "the way things naturally are" due to the fact that women are and always have been the ones to bear children, as opposed to the fact the misogyny was institutionalised and socialised for thousands of years. Or saying that it's a normal thing to be suspicious of someone who doesn't fit into a certain environment (I'll use the obvious strawman of racial minorities) rather than the fact that prejudice against certain race is socialised (nowadays it's more against Arabs, but I guess you could include a dislike of Asians or something).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh, Yeah. THAT is a different topic. I though you were speaking of financial groups rather than racial and sexual. Yeah, it's funny how feebleminded people can be and once were.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

no it isn't fair at all.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

it is not natural by any means.

by Anonymous 8 years ago