+69 It's not fair how teachers give loads of home work every night thinking students don't have lives while they sit at home doing nothing. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Lesson plans, grading, etc. They're not "doing nothing." PS, homework prepares you for college, so you should do it. True story.

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's not much harder, there's just more material moving at a faster pace. Put those two together and you're covering topics at literally maybe x5 the rate in high school. In many courses, nobody cares if you do your homework because it's about the exam. (Or if your homework is graded, still nobody cares about you doing your homework. They'll give you a zero and move on, none of the prodding and hand-holding you're currently seeing.)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

For some people, college homework is a LOT harder. The thing is our education system sucks, and people graduate from high school and college knowing virtually nothing. I once peer reviewed a paper in a college English class where someone used exactly three punctuation marks: one at the end of each paragraph. Be thankful for your education, and stop bitching.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And also annoying when they say, oh, it's only 1/2 and hour... but half an hour from every subject adds up. Especially when half an hour turns out to be 2 hrs. Grrrrrr :P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I am close with so many teachers and they grade papers, plan lessons, help students, not to mention teach the actual class, for hours and hours on end. Teachers are some of the most hardworking people I know.

by Anonymous 12 years ago