+489 If they do legalize marijuana they should put an age restriction in it, just like drinking and smoking, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah that will work because everyone adheres to the age restrictions of drinking and smoking

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Exactly. Our choices are pretty much either waste money and keep people locked up in prison for using marijuana when we're never going to stop people from smoking it, or we can legalize it and tax it. There will be people who will still grow it illegally to avoid the taxes much like people used to have moonshine distilleries.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why stop at marijuana? Why dont we just legalise everything and tax it. Heroin, cocaine, child pornography etc. We arent going to stop people doing those things either but somewhere you have to draw the line to have some kind of functioning and moral society.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Because marijuana isn't as extreme as other things. And some argue that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. So basically if cigarettes and alcohol are legal, why not marijuana? Or why don't we make all of them illegal?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I dont know what it's like where you are but in the UK although cigarettes are not illegal, it's becoming harder to enjoy them as they are banned from resturants, bars, clubs basically any indoor public place, all tobacco advertising is banned, the boxes have huge warnings and photos of cancerous lungs etc and every year the tax on them goes up so the government make it difficult for you to want to smoke. Had tobacco not been so intergated it's very likely that it too would be have been illegal. Alcohol is entirely different as it has been around since before the ancient greeks and pretty much anyone can brew some in the comfort of their own home.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Lmao did you seriously just group smoking weed with child porn?! Wtf??

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you follow the the discussion then it makes perfect sense

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Lol no I followed it, I assure you. I wouldn't have commented otherwise ... I disagree with you. I fail to see how legalizing marijuana will cause society to cease functioning, or how it has anything whatsoever to do with morality. Look, if you don't like weed that's completely cool. Seriously,way to be above the influence. :) But please don't make outrageous (although hilarious) statements of that nature to prove how it's "wrong" because it has not actually a question of right or wrong, it's a just a fairly innocuous pastime. No children are raped because of it. People don't OD from it. It can be childish to smoke, especially if it interferes with your responsibilities, but it isn't really dangerous. And I promise you, making weed legal will not bring about our demise.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The flaw in your argument is that you somehow believe that I said legalising marijuana would cause society to stop functioning or make it immoral.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Yeah I think it was that "you have to draw the line to have some kind of functioning and moral society" that led me to think that ...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well if you cant work out the message I'm not going to do it for you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Legalizing marijuana will not corrupt our society or make it immoral. The stereotype of the burnout who sits on his couch all day smoking and doing nothing else is far from accurate, most people who smoke only do it for recreation, just as people drink for recreation. Stopping at marijuana is appropriate because there really isn't a reason for it to be illegal in the first place, whereas heroin and cocaine are incredibly damaging.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

By no means did I suggest marijuana would corrupt or make society immoral. Neither was I suggesting marijuana turns people into idiots. My initial point was that putting an age limit serves no purpose. As to legalisation, I think all drugs should be legal and people should be able to do as they please on the basis that if anything does happen to the individual because of the drug use then they should be denied any kind of health care.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Why exactly should they be denied health care? Oh, that's right. It's because the only harmful side effects we should be allowed to endure from drugs are the one's caused caused by legal prescription drugs, correct? Hell why stop there? Why not deny health care to all self imposed injuries? Car wrecks for example, (it was their choice to drive) and STDs ( they should've been abstinent) hell the list goes on and on. They should all be denied! Lol honestly I'm beginning to wonder if you're just trolling because if you are, good fucking job!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think in your case, weed should be legalised so you can smoke some more and chill out a bit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(i am anon): Lmao! Chill out? Really? I disagreed with you, but I did so respectfully... I didn't insult, berate, or question your intelligence ( though I was sorely tempted to) overall, I'd say I was relatively chill. And honestly, I'd more prefer they just decriminalize weed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not that most people would listen, but yeah.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeah smoking weed is great though. i say 17

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No duh?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think weed, smoking, and drinking should all be at 18. I'm 15 and do all these things but I know a lot of my peers would abuse those rights.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think that its implied that they would

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No I think our country wants 10 year olds to go out and get high /sarcasm/

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why would they even legallize marijuana? It is just going to give more people permission to get high and help them become addicted. Not a good idea.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Marijuana is not addictive, it is actually more difficult for regular coffee drinkers to cut a few cups out of their diets. VERY few people have difficulty cutting out marijuana, and that is due to a change in routine as opposed to any physical addiction, and everyone has trouble changing their routine regardless if it's a drug or just a normal recreational activity.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, even if it isn't addictive it has known negative affects on a person's health.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What makes that known? Every study that shows marijuana is detrimental to a person's health has been contradicted by more studies, or the studies weren't conducted properly like the "gateway theory". Every time any organization comes out with proof that marijuana is harmful it is refuted by equally qualified sources. Also, doctors wouldn't prescribe marijuana for cancer patients, insomnia, chronic pain, or thousands of other illnesses if it was only going to increase health problems.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The doctors claim that it will be 'better' for them because it would take away the pain. The pain is goin away because they are high. These affects are kind of like the affects of alcohol, slowed reflects and bad jundgement.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Stuff like fast food is just as addicting and dangerous to your body as something like marijuana, and not only is it legal but also widely promoted. especially in the US.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You need to be a certain age to smoke cigarettes?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Whoops.... loljk

by Anonymous 12 years ago

except most people that do weed are teenagers, not many adults would do weed even if it is legal because it will still be frowned upon in society more than cigs or alcohal

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If stuff like cigarettes are going to be legal, then there's no reason for weed not to be.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"its just like drinking and smoking... in that underage people are going to do it anyway."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

whos the fucking idiot that thought you can get addicted to weed

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Obvious post is obvious

by Anonymous 12 years ago