+184 I know that people should flush the toilet, but we shouldn't make a big deal about it if someone forgets, just flush it or go to another stall, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Toilets use quite a bit of water and there are people saying, "hurrrrrr! we needs to conserve water!!" vs. the people saying, "hurrrrr!!! omg! stop the germs! Flush after poop!"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Usually I'm the brave soul who ventures in and flushes it while my idiotic friends squeal about how 'OMG THAT'S LIKE SOOO GROSSS' and I'm just like. 'Guys. Chill. It's not like they pooped on the flusher.' Wait, is there an actual name for the little lever you push when you want to flush? I feel like there is and I'm just spacing on it. wary

by Anonymous 12 years ago

ugh same here! or there's like one piece of toilet paper in it and everybody's all like "EW GROSS DON'T GO IN THERE" it's not gonna attack you, jeez

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Me too

by Anonymous 12 years ago