+134 How to convince Asian parents let you date: Tell them you're homosexual. They will be setting you up with hot people of the opposite gender left and right. Amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The sad thing is, this is true - I know a few gaysians, and in fact a lot of gay people who were born in Australia, but their parents come from more traditional cultures, whose parents didn't accept them being gay. And, yeah, it happens to a lot of gay kids, but I think it's different when you're struggling with your life and your culture, and your traditional culture. And, I have heard from both Asians and Afro-Australia that being a lesbian is a "white woman's issue" - that they honestly believe it's a product of Western society.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Asian?A LOT of parents.

by Anonymous 12 years ago