+750 The snooze button...you'd tap that, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People don't "tap" a button.. nice try though, pervert!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd hit that? It's just a fuggen joke either way. Chill out. Oh wait, you're probably trolling... Nope. Can't be. Your username says so. :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd tap that. Twice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

More like I'd get a gun and bang it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sounds like a POTD :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Aw yea, I'd be tappin dat shit all day, son!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

dude, i tap that everyday. twice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maple trees... you'd tap that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago