+680 If you argue that aborting a fetus is wrong because it is cutting off potential life, then by that logic, any moment when a woman isn't pregnant is wasting potential. I mean, seriously, why are you even reading this right now when you could be getting nasty? This is a matter of life and death! Amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nope it's not you.and the abortion posts are just stupid. They make no sense. A fetus has potential to be a human being a woman who isn't impregnated has no potential what so ever so this logic is just retard!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"being a woman who isn't impregnated has no potential what so ever" that's exactly the point, good job

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lets just kill all of the little free-loaders!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Getting an abortion is entirely that person's choice. It isn't right or wrong, it's whether or not the pregnant person is ready for a baby.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It was her decision to get pregnant. She made a life. Now she is killing it? That doesn't sound right. There is alwayys another choice, like adoption-giving the baby to a family that IS ready, instead of killing a baby for your own selfish reasons.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So you're saying if you got impregnated because of rape, it's still your choice that you got pregnant? Or what if she isn't ready financially? What if there are health complications? Are those selfish reasons?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rape isn't exactly something she could control, but then again rape could mean she was 15 and had sex with a 19 year old, and she knew it. If she's not financially ready, then why the fuck would she even have sex, especially with the possibility of getting pregnant?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rape is non consensual sexual contact or intercourse. That means someone does not "want it." Therefore rape is not the victim's fault.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But no one ever talks about taking certain precautions and staying safe so rape is completely out of the question in any situation...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You asked: why would someone have sex? ***1. Pleasure ***2. Love 3. Babies! 4. Revenge? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teeth_(film) ) People want to have sex, and all people should have the right to dictate their own sexual lives. They SHOULD be aware of risks, but it doesn't make sense to say, "don't have sex, you could get pregnant" when we REALLY should be saying "don't have unprotected sex." People aren't going to stop having sex. Even though there's a risk of pregnancy. And she's not financially ready. This is why we should be focusing on things like making birth control more available, not teaching abstinence / cutting funding to planned parenthood. I feel like I've said this same thing in like 19320453 abortion posts. But I have to respond whenever someone comments, "well maybe she shouldn't have had sex!"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You completely blew what i said out out context. I said why would she have sex if she's not FINANCIALLY READY to handle a baby. It's not like she doesn't know she could have a baby, so getting the abortion isn't justified because if she can't handle it, then she shouldn't do it. You know there's couples who haven't had sex in years? It's not like it's a needed part of a relationship, especially considering there are other forms of pleasure.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just think it's ridiculous to say that people shouldn't have sex until they're financially ready. I'm planning on going to med school, does this mean that I shouldn't have sex until I've paid off my loans? If a couple doesn't want to have sex, that's great for them. But it's unrealistic to assume that people will decide to have sex only if they're ready for a baby, because that's not how our society works.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So if I go skydiving, know all the risks, and take all the precautions and when I pull the cord and the parachute doesn't come out, I should be denied medical attention because I knew I COULD get hurt?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's different. The medical attention you would get would help save your life, not take away a life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pregnancy is much less dangerous than, you know... jumping out of a friggin plane.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't say this to make a comparison on how dangerous it is. I was saying it to the people who say "oh she knew she could get pregnant so she has to go through with it" using that logic, you could say, even for something LESS extreme "they knew jaywalking was dangerous, therefore they must deal with their injuries and not go to the hospital" or in the case of skydiving as well.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But there's no toher life at risk. If you treat someone for a car accident injury, they get treated and nothing else happens. If a girl gets an abortion, the baby gets cheated out of a full life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes there is just as much risk. What you would be "killing" in an abortion is a clump of cells. If she catches it early enough, it still has the potential to grow into a kidney and is not at all human. In treating a woman for injuries, you kill bacteria. They're pretty much on the same level if you ask me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Bacteria doesn't have human DNA though. All of us grown humans are just bigger clumps of cells of human DNA. And no matter how long that bacteria just sits there, it's not going to grow an arm or legs or anything- it'll stay the same.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with this

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Obviously in that situation it wasn't her choice. But it is still an innocent life that was created out of that, and its her responsibility to not go off and kill it. If shes not ready financially adoption! So many able families would be grateful to have that child. Health complications? Obviously thats different too. That decision should be for the doctor if its really her life and death situation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Expenses aren't just for after the baby is born. Clothes, vaccines, ultrasounds,food, vitamins, and other things aren't cheap - not to mention if there's other health stuff going on that requires more intensive medical care. I'm not saying that getting an abortion would be an easy decision, no matter what the case, but I do think that nobody can decisde if you're ready for a baby except for you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There is always adoption.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Put the baby up for adoption. It still deserves to live.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not being ready financially doesn't just mean supporting the baby, it's everything during the pregnancy. This includes hospital times, ultra-sounds, any medication she may need, plus the actual birth, this can all add up in expenses, especially in countries with no public health insurance

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't forget time. Simply being pregnant can set you back in school. It means differing exams because of medical appointments, and handing in assignments late. It could easily set you back a solid year (plus all those expenses [rent, food, transportation, etc] not even related to the medical expenses).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

so many families would be grateful to have that child? do you know how many children are in forster care e.t.c because nobody has adopted them? why create another child who has the potential of being left in forster care, in and out of homes for 18 years.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So many foster care kids end up on the streets because of molestation and simply being in the system until they turn 18 and are forced out, and so many foster care kids commit suicide because of just how terrible it is to be a "pinball" kid. Obviously there are foster care parents who are great, but there are tons who are not. I'd rather give my *potential* baby no pain than the potential pain of that, when I know I can't personally support her/him.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why kill an innocent child.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

what innocent child? it is a matter of opinion, in mine a child isnt alive at fertilisation, not during the first trimester. to me, a child is a child when they can breathe and have functioning organs without the womans aid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

grateful to adopt a child? do you kno how over crowded foster places and adoption homes are? they arent sitting around waiting for another accidental pregnancy to come so a better home can take the baby. and so many kids get messed up going from home to home. theres horrible stuff at those houses and the government cant stop ALL of it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes. If she isn't financially ready, she either shouldn't have gotten raped or not slept around. If the health complications are hers, then it's selfish. If the health complications are the baby's, the woman should have been prepared for the consequences of being pregnant.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I dare you to go up to a rape victim and say "well maybe you just shouldn't have gotten raped." tell me how that goes

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not saying getting raped was her choice. But now, even though she didn't ask for it, she has the responsibility to care for this life that was made. I can understand if she doesn't want to keep it, but killing an innocent baby would be worse than rape.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I doubt that I will change your mind, and I don't feel the need to. It's your opinion, it's really none of my business. I hope that you respect my decision and other people's rights to make their own choices.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(yeahyeah) @1270017 (imsobailey): Both of you should think about this: No one can be the perfect human rights activist on this subject because you both make valid points. On one hand, the mother needs to be able to decide what to do with her body. On the other hand, aborting a fetus could be considered taking a life. I used to think the best option was to have the baby and put it up for adoption, until I considered that teens are very likely to die while going through childbirth, so if a teen is forced to do that she will probably die. Also, if the baby has a disease that is incurable or otherwise difficult and painful, the baby will probably die before it is adopted. Therefore there is no perfect answer to this subject in a general sense, it all depends on the baby and the mother's specific situation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Teens shouldn't be having sex and getting pregnant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

if a teen is considering abortion, it's a little late to be lecturing them on safe sex.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I doubt they will "probably" die. Maybe an increased chance but you are implying that more than half die, which is completely untrue

by Anonymous 12 years ago

you're right, I generalized in that post. As with abortion, it depends on the teen's specific situation. A 16 year old could be perfectly healthy and have no problems with childbirth, but that's not always the case. It's too broad of a subject to have a set in stone opinion, was my point.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

then after you have it most mothers would want it cause yet fell in love with it. how would you like to tell you're child no you're not adopters. you're a rape child.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

how does it make any sense whatsoever to say that it was a womans choice to get raped? It is no more their fault or decision to get raped than it would be mine to die in a car accident tomorrow.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i never said it was..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

easy for you to say, seeing as you most likely havn't been raped, so unless you experience the situation yourself, then i would shut your mouth because you clearly did say getting raped was her fault; " she either shouldn't have gotten raped" you can't control rape? stop being so ignorant. women have the choice whether or not to get an abortion, especially if the pregnancy occured out of rape. but regardless, in my opinion a child isn't a child until it can breath and live on it's own.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That wasnt me that said that, so stop being so ignorant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also, it's not a woman's choice if her baby develops a condition that will likely kill her and her baby. There are 2.9 BILLION base pairs in the human genome. Are you somehow suggesting that a woman can control whether there's a mutation and should only become pregnant if she's ready to die so her very sick baby could potentially live a short, painful life or if she could prevent any mutations in her fetus?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

She "shouldn't of gotten raped"? I do not think your version of rape is the same as mine.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Go fuck yourself. Obviously I didn't want to be raped and I'd change that if I could. You have a special place in hell for even suggesting that VICTIMS of rape have a choice in that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I am entirely pro-choice, but even I'm tired of the rape argument. Yes, it definitely happens, but the percentage of unwanted babies due to rape are so small it's almost insignificant.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

it is because of the above argument that I stay abstinent. That, and because rape's not cool, so don't go raping people it might end up on amirite.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Then whose choice should it be? Your choice? The government's choice? Please tell me who you think has the right to govern a woman's body.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No one. If there is a life created, then no one should be able to decide to just kill it because it is inconvient to them. It isn't just the woman's body that is at risk here. There is a new person to put into the equation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Around 1/3 of US women over 45 have had an abortion*. Do you really honestly believe that 1/3 women in America are immoral heartless murderers? While we are on the subject of morality, do you think it would be moral to make abortion a crime and send thousands of women that attempted to get abortions illegally to jail for the rest of their lives? *http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe that they have killed a person. And no, if they did it before it is illegal? then no? you can't get into trouble if it isn't illegal at the time..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wasn't talking about women who did it before it was illegal. You can't punish people for doing something that was legal at the time because of ex post facto. I was talking about women who would get abortion after the law was enacted.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then wouldn't they obviously go to jail if it was illegal? i don't see your point

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sorry for not making my self clear. My point is that it would be very immoral throw that many women (and girls perhaps) in jail for the rest of their lives. Turning our women into prisoners will not help women, their babies (born or otherwise) or society. I will give up all hope of getting a positive score on this comment and say that I believe making abortion illegal would be more immoral that actually getting an abortion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

so it is "immoral" to send thousands of murderers to jail? How does that make sense?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know 1/3 of women of gone through an abortion, but think that statistic includes women who have what doctors call a "natural abortion," or as it's more commonly known, a miscarriage.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You could be right; the article doesn't specify. Thanks for pointing that out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who has the right to govern a baby's body?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It depends. Is this baby/fetus/embryo/zygote in anyone's uterus?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cool story, you feel that way, don't get an abortion. It's not your life, fuck off

by Anonymous 13 years ago

so according to your logic if I see a woman getting raped I shouldn't help her. If I see a man being stabbed to death I shouldn't call an ambulance and try to stop the attacker. Because that isn't my life so I'll just f' off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Key phrase: "You FEEL that way". If you feel that the person should die, then yes just continue on your way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well I feel like every human (born or not) deserves to live unless they commit a crime such as murder or rape.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Does this mean you oppose war or did you just forget to mention that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they are sacrificing their lives for a cause. It isn't murder.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You did not just say that a 19 year old killed in Iraq was killed for a just cause?!!! He got killed b/c George Bush thought Iraq harboured weapons of mass destruction! Anyway your statement actually goes a long way to explaining why you shouldnt judge people who get an abortion. Millions of people would disagree with you about your war statment. Millions would agree with your abortion statment. Its a matter of opinion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't say it was a just cause, but the did sign up, they knew the risks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't say it was a just cause, but the did sign up, they knew the risks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

that`s what everyone seems to forget. in most NOT all but most cases the women consented to having sex and has a life inside of her by her own actions. Abortion is a selfish act. Making someone pay for your actions is always selfish

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Right. Just like shooting someone in the face is entirely your choice. It takes away a life, but just get over it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

More abortion posts? Really???? My god people, if you are going to post the same stupid crap (right or not) 1,000,000X then at least post it in Vietnamese or Swahili!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It doesn't matter. In the end, people will still be throwing their personal god into the equation, and then BOOM, back to square one with the whole 'how do you even know god exists in the first place?' argument.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...I really thought you were gonna go with "doesn't matter, had sex" when I started reading this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

who gives a fuck. we're all gonna die anyways. and once we're dead, we won't even know it. there's no life after death.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Someone just HAD to throw that in, didn't they. It's okay though, everyone should have been expecting it anyways.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Really? So its perfectly okay to just go around and kill anyone in your way, because they are going to die some day anyway?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i can't tell if you're trolling=/

by Anonymous 13 years ago

why would they be trolling? its a valid opinion that apparently many people agree with.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well, i can't tell if you're trolling either

by Anonymous 13 years ago

reminds me of the big bang theory, was that sarcasm? Nooooo, was that sarcasm? Yes... Was THAT sarcasm?!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think that this was, while it still may be an opinion, supposed to be taken as a joke. Maybe a not very good one, but I sensed some dry humor going on, is it just me?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No one argues that abortion is cutting of "potential" life. They argue that abortion cuts off *definite* life. If a woman is already pregnant it is not the same as a non-pregnant woman refraining from becoming pregnant. Your argument is a fallacy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, it is only a potential life. If it was definite life, abortion wouldn't be legal. A fetus isn't guarenteed to survive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

neither is a month year old baby. Does that baby not have a life? is it only a potential life?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Once you are born, you are considered alive. A fetus is a potential life, it hasn't been born. A lot more can go wrong for a fetus than for an infant. Mothers don't even announce a pregnancy (or are instructed not to) until the first trimester is over, because miscarriages are so common during that time. I think people who try to compare a fetus to a baby are desperate for an example. If birth wasn't the moment of life, we would celebrate conception days, instead of birthdays.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A lot of times we don't even know the exact conception date. For thousands of years, it was "oh, I missed my period. A baby's coming." Yes, I understand more can go wrong with a fetus than a baby, but that doesn't discredit the validity of that baby's life. People in open heart surgery have a lower chance of surviving, but that doesn't mean they're less alive. (That's not the strongest argument.) By the way, a baby isn't an example of a fetus, a fetus IS a baby.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A fetus can become a baby. Fetus=unborn; baby=born. I'm a "life begins at birth" thinker, you're "life begins at conception" thinker (observantly, of course. Personally, I would only get an abortion if there was rape. Abortion has been around for centuries, and won't go away. I think it is sick (like non attached parts of a fetus tossed in a dumpster is fucked up) but I know people will do it. My only point is, a fetus is a potential life, there's no guarentee of birth, without birth there's no life. An obituary could read, "d.o.b: 01/01/11; death 01/01/11" but you'll never see a fetus in the paper, that is a miscarriage. You have to be born to die, and that distinguishes life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

but that's only something that society made up. And it breaks that rule when it says a pregnant woman being shot is double murder. A baby one day before its born. Can you honestly say it's not alive?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You got me with the double murder... but, you would never know it was one day before being born. Most abortions are carried out early, anyway. Late term abortions are normally done to protect the mother from harm. That's why I'm all for legal abortion. The later you get in pregnancy the closer it is to being a baby. If abortion is illegal, women would get them anyway, but late term abortions would be done for "bad" reasons, and would become more frequent.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

okay, but say woman was pregnant woman was pregnant for 8 and a half months. Is her baby even a little bit alive?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think you can be a little bit alive. You either are or you aren't. And I just don't believe you are alive 'til you are born. I would like to add (not sure how relevant...) that I have a 3 year old daughter, and while I was pregnant I got to hear her heartbeat, and feel her kick, and she CONSTANTLY had the hiccups, so, I know the experience. At the beginning I wasn't sure if she would survive, and didn't feel a closeness (didn't even feel pregnant) towards the end her movements verified she was in there, and I grew attached, but still didn't know if she would survive. I was completely prepared to miscarry, or have a still birth. Some would say feeling movement shows she's alive, but she wasn't alive til she cried. That verified it. And, since the beginning is so unknown I can see how people get abortions at that stage, you aren't connected. But I'll go your way towards the end of it, no, I don't think it is alive, but by then you're prepared that it will be. But choice aborti...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Shit, I got cut-off. choice abortions aren't performed that late in pregnancy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think, when it gets a heartbeat, it is alive. THAT should define when a baby starts living. Life, for however long, is still life. If a one month old baby dies because it's not 'guaranteed life', it was still life at one point.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The double murder for a pregnant woman is usually only applied after an abortion is illegal anyway (before the second trimester it still only counts as one person). Most places in the world you won't be charged with double murder no matter how far along the pregnancy is.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We celebrate birth days because coeption is not as miraculous. But because so much can go wrong the birth itself is a miracle.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, like Owenfc said, we celebrate birthdays because conception is hard, if not impossible to date. But, i think you missed my point.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

as soon as there is blood flowing through that small fetus (which I believe to be before a month) I believe it to be alive. Personally I believe it to be murder after conception.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is during the 4th month that the fetus' bone marrow starts producing its' own blood supply. So according to your beliefs, it isn't even alive when choice abortions are taking place.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that's not a fallacy, the potential/definite life depends on your opinion and how you classify it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My two cents that no one asked for: Abortion is a women's choice. But so is having unprotected sex. If you knowingly don't take the steps to prevent pregnancy I don't think you should get an abortion. If the condom breaks or birth control fails then go ahead. If you're raped I almost expect you to get an abortion. If you're gonna die get one, don't be a martyr. Abortion is meant to be for emergenies, not a form of birth control. The medical risks of getting an abortion aren't worth a night of unprotected sex anyway. Don't be stupid and always try to have safer sex.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

this reminds me of legally blonde, where she's arguing about a dude's sperm.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your reasoning doesn't make sense to me. :/ Don't explain it to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Impregnated, then abortion: Life growing -----> No new life Not Impregnated: No life growing -----> No new life There's a difference.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Pro-life people don't believe it's cutting off a POTENTIAL life, rather cutting off a life that's already been created.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Personally I believe that if someone doesn't want to have a child either don't have sex or at least use protection. I myself am against abortion. But if the woman was raped or the child will have severe health problems I understand having an abortion. But if you just acted with out care and had unprotected sex then atleast adopt the baby out so it can have a better life. But again this is just my opinion it's not a stated fact so believe what you want.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

there have been many people who "were going to be born with severe disabilities" that turn out fine.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And what about the millions that have a terrible case a mental retardation or some other disability?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what about them?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then we should just forget about those and praise the fact that a few people dodged not having the disability?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then we should just forget about those and praise the fact that a few people dodged not having the disability?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they're still humans. They still have feelings. Are they not worthy of life?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The egg in my body right now will most likely become my period and whoopdedoo, no new life, no nothing. The fetus inside someone else right now will most likely become a child, a human being. You can't really compare the two like that....

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't judge...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

but by not turning that egg into a fetus, you are not creating a child. which you should be doing

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But if I don't, it's not considered killing a life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ok, so here's how I see this whole situation breaking down. It's not your life, not your decisions, and it's none of your business. Having the baby and getting an abortion BOTH have good/bad consequences, and it's the womans responsibility to make those choices and reap the repercussions. You have absolutely no right to tell anybody how to live their life, and anybody who thinks they do needs a reality check. It's not going to change your life, it's not going to hurt you, so just leave people alone. Abortion may not be the best option, but it will always be an option, whether or not it's legal or you agree with it, so just let this argument die and get on with your lives.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

saying that I shouldn't interfere with a woman getting an abortion is the same as saying I shouldn't interfere with someone being murderously attacked when I can stop it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Personally, I see why everyone gets their panties in a twist on this subject. I understand both sides of the argument. My opinion is this: I understand that there are many reasons why people have abortions and some of them are very valid. However, I think it just really needs to be understood by more women how big of a deal this is. Whether they consider it one or not, this is a human being. A real person. If abortion can be avoided, it should be. If there is a really good reason, such as health risks for those involved, then I can see why abortion would be considered. But as I said, if it can be avoided, it should be.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I want to vote this post up because it's funny but then again I want to vote it down cause I disagree hmmm decisions decisions

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am all for abortion, it isn't a human so you're not killing a human. Sex is not ONLY for reproducing and those who think it is, are ignorant.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how is it not a human? It has human DNA, human shape, and the human capacity to feel pain.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So do gorillas, but are they human?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

gorillas have human DNA? Do they also have the human capacity for sentient thought? Do they have a moral code that is embeded into (nearly) every human?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They have VERY similar DNA. And no, but does a foetus? No it does not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you know we share 50% of our DNA with bananas... And I was saying do adult gorillas have sentient thought or a moral code?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly, you're just supporting my point. You are arguing that a gorilla isn't a human because it doesn't have sentient thought or a moral code. A foetus doesn't possess these attributes either, so, by your logic, a foetus is NOT a human.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe that they do have thoughts. And that comes with the moral code.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If they have a a natural moral code, then explain to me why 4-year-olds draw on walls in crayon or deliberately spill things all over the floor when it'll only serve to make Mommy and Daddy upset? Why do we have to teach them to be nice?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They don't do it on purpose, we have to teach them that things like that hurt us or whatever. But even if they lie to not get in trouble, they still know its wrong, they just don't want to be punished.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So what you're saying is that they know right from wrong, but they just don't give a shit about it... I don't know if that counts as a moral code.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What I'm saying is they don't want to hurt you, they just don't know what hurts you. And I lie to get out of trouble, but I know its wrong.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What I'm saying is they don't want to hurt you, they just don't know what hurts you. And I lie to get out of trouble, but I know its wrong.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They don't do it on purpose, we have to teach them that things like that hurt us or whatever. But even if they lie to not get in trouble, they still know its wrong, they just don't want to be punished.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

AND I capitalize RANDOM words in the middle OF my SENTENCES.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not random words, I capitalised words that I feel needed more emphasis.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Nobody said anything about sex being only for reproducing. Sex can be for fun, too. That isn't the issue at all...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A lot of the comments above are saying exactly that...

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wonder how many candy bars mommy gave her to spit out that bullshit

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not to argue or call this a fraud, but i think this was written out for her because i notice she keeps looking down and once in a while you can hear the flip of a page. Oh and to answer yer question, it was probably one candy bar per page or per minute.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It sounds like a school presentation because she said students and teachers. That's probably why it was written down.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, you're totally right. It's impossible for a child to have an opinion of their own.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If a baby was born prematurely, at say five months, an age when it is possible for the child to survive (it's happened), and an age when in many places you can get a legal abortion, and I walked into the Neonatal department and killed that baby, using a knife or a painless injection, I would go to jail for life. The location, size, age, or degree of dependency does not allow for the taking of a human life. If your especially small and senile granny is living in your back room, and you're not financially ready to take care of her, or you just don't have room in your life, you're not allowed to kill her! Logic, people!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You don't have to pay out the ass to get ultrasounds and tests and end up birthing your granny, I hope.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

All of you people who are arguing against abortion seem to have the idea that it is a decision made lightly by the women who are in such situations. Take into consideration that it is an incredibly difficult decision to make, and is usually a last resort. Do not think that women get abortions willynilly and don't think twice about it. Many women suffer depression afterwards and regret the decision, even if it was right for them at the time, so don't bitch about these people saying they are "disgusting immoral murderers" or what have you, because it is such a difficult and painful choice to make. I'm not even bothering to get into the "is it or is it not a life, is it right or is it wrong, should they or shouldn't they have had sex?" debate, I'm just saying don't assume women make the decision to get an abortion lightly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Another thing I'd like to point out is all of this "put it up for adoption" business. Huge amounts of children never get adopted, and end up spending their entire childhoods in foster homes wondering why their parents didn't care enough about them to keep them. Is that really a life a child deserves? The only way you can use adoption as a valid reason to have the child is if adoption is guaranteed by arrangement prior to the birth. Otherwise, there is no way of knowing that the child will ever go to one of these "loving families who are ready for a child".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I totally agree with the follow-up. As a pro-choice vegetarian, I don't see how pro-life non-vegetarians have a leg to stand on. That cow that's throat was slit while it was still alive suffered a hell of a lot more than an oblivious embryo incapable of fear or awareness.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yea, but it's the pain that makes it delicious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't see any side that is clearly right. Both sides have good points. I say that boosting awareness in schools about protected sex and the responsibilities of a baby would help in the unwanted pregnancy rates. As far as rape victims go, at least give the baby up for adoption (predetermined). May I remind you alot of succesfull people were in foster homes. As far as I'm concerned a baby is a baby, no matter how undeveloped. Imagine how the world would be without alot of famous people, because thier parents wanted an abortion. I just don't see abortion as a solution to pregnancy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Worst argument ever

by Anonymous 12 years ago

By that phrasing you're sort of stating that you think pregnancy is a problem to be solved.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not potential life, it's life. It's a human and it's alive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To all the people who say 'no way' that potential life could a potential serial killer. True fact: Hitler's mother was going to get an abortion but her doctor urged her out of it. Could have saved many lives.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, but Hitler could also have grown up to find the cure for cancer and ended up saving more lives than he ruined in reality. You can't just kill someone just because they could do something bad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's not a true fact, just something someone made up because it would be an interesting situation. Maybe you should add that the doctor was Jewish, it would spice up the story a bit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Isn't the very nature of a fact to be true?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

...So? What if Martin Luther King's mother had an abortion? I'm not very fond of abortion, mind, but I find that argument stupid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I hate POTDs that already have a shit load of comments. Makes it harder for people to recognize my witty/awesome/clever self.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In b4 angry debate about abortion troll

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can't inb4 something that's already happened.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

She's from the futer.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What about the troll face do you not understand?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So if you inb4 something that's already happened and add the trollface, suddenly you're a prophet?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Apparently, this: troll

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's funny because I passed a bunch of "pro life" protesters yesterday, it was my first time seeing them in public haha

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If abortion is murder, does that make a miscarriage involuntary manslaughter?

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

abortion post as potd?.. OH SHIT

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This will not end in well.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my youth group, we had a speaker who said aborting a fetus is taking away its rights and potential. But if you can't provide for the child, isn't that takin away its rights and potential too?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I hope this doesn't sound morbid, but a fetus is technically a parasite. It feeds off of a host. Now if you have a leach because you got into a river, you can kill it. No one tells you "well you got into the river, and it needs you to live, so it's your fault and your responsibility" so why tell a woman she can't have an abortion?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hi, no. A parasite is a malicious organism that feeds off of a host, to the host's detriment. A fetus is neither COMPLETELY malicious, nor beneficial to the host (mother).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not all parasites are malicious and harmful. Just saying.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In different ways, not always physically. par·a·site/ˈparəˌsīt/ Noun: 1.An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. 2.A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yep yep. It's like how we have millions of bacteria and parasites in our intestines and we actually benefit from it. If they left the intestine we'd be totally f***** though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's funny, I'd say the morning sickness, sore knees, aching back, swollen stomach and inability to sit or stand properly due to said sore knees, aching back and swollen stomach might be considered harm...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

but the parasite and the host can't be of the same species un so technically it's NOT a parasite even though it has characteristics of one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you were to make abortion illegal, people would still get abortions, illegally of course.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm pro choice, but even I'll admit this post sucks. That's not their argument. It's only once the sperm and egg have met that it's murder in their eyes. Not potential murder lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I..I don't know. It's really hard for me to pick a side on really important issues like this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Me too, I can see both sides of the issue here... Like they're both just as good arguments as each others

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I believe that abortion is wrong because it's denying someone the right to life. Even if you abort it before it's technically "alive"(before it has a functioning brain), barring an unfortunate accident like a miscarriage, that embryo would still be born and be baby Johnny Smith, and then little John Smith and so on. So by aborting a baby, you're saying "Sorry, but you don't fit my life plans enough to exist."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Safe to assume you're vegetarian, then? Or do cows and pigs not fit in your plans enough to exist?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not a vegetarian. Actually, killing an animal for food would be saying that they are vastly important to your plan, as you need them to survive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But in life they're useless to you, so you're better off with them dead. :>

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What you don't seem to understand is that your definition of 'life' isn't the same as everyone else's. "What would the baby your about to abort say about this?" Nothing, because it could survive independently. What makes you think you can put the rights of that baby ahead of the rights of that woman? At the point where abortions are still legal, that baby is part of it's mothers body, not it's own person. At that point, it's not a person, it's a possibility. One that can be accepted or denied. Maybe you think it's irresponsible for a woman to have unsafe sex when she knew what could happen. But abortions aren't murder, and she should have the right to do what she wants with her own body. You can't take that away from her.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So now isn't the time to promote my friends' Dying Fetus cover band?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm afraid not, my friend. I'm afraid not. But I could promote Stationary Foot(my Christian Death Metal band)!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't get what you mean when you say a woman is wasting potential when she isn't pregnant. Are you trying to compare menstruation to abortion by saying menstruating is the body getting rid of a potential child? That is not an accurate comparison because in an abortion the egg is fertilized and will become a child if all goes well, whereas is menstruation you have an egg that may not even be viable and will not become a child.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Actually, if you read carefully and study up on this post, you might notice it's a joke, intended to cause laughter or a smile.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Legal or illegal, right or wrong, abortion is going to happen Personally I thinks it's killing but I won't jugde only because I feel it's stupid to stress over the lifes taken by abortion when there are born breathing needing lives that need taking care of.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*clears throat* *steps up to microphone* What if said fetus would kill the mother during the pregnancy or during the birth? *bows* Thank you, and good night.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I see how it is. Nobody wants to argue with me. I guess it's just because my argument is so completely solid and perfect that nobody can possibly win.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I can argue either side of this debate, though I am personally pro-choice. What if I said the fetus might not kill the mother? Then you can say that the fetus probably will kill the mother thus killing the potential that mother has to create more babies that won't kill her. Then I argue that the baby could grow up to cure cancer. Then you argue that the baby could be a murderer and the other children the mother could end up having are far more likely to cure cancer because there will be more of them. And then I would give up because I am biased and can't think of a pro-life argument that doesn't step over religious boundaries.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not talking about potential things here. If it is an ectopic pregnancy, or the mother has cancer and her body cannot handle childbirth, then she will die without an abortion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But would the baby live?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It might, it might not. It really doesn't matter. This baby may have any type of potential in the world, but the women would already be an established member of society. Also, if abortion were to be declared illegal, then this woman's life is in the hands of lawmakers which goes against the very core of the pro-life argument.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My heart isn't really in this, I agree with you too much to come up with something for the other side. At least I tried... Sorta.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Haha. Devil's advocate is a really hard part to play.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A fetus is actually growing into a baby. There is a large difference between a fetus and an unfertilized egg.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I am very much pro-choice, but this line of reasoning will not exactly be winning you arguments anytime soon.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A fetus is not a potential for life, it IS a life that has not yet reached its potential.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well said.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Someone's using some Straw Man Logic. The Christian argument isn't that the Fetus has the POTENTIAL to be life, but rather that it IS life. If a woman is pregnant and is killed, this is treated as a double homicide. However, if she deems that her baby is not a person, then murder is justified. This just doesn't seem right to me; that someone with a finite understanding should be allowed to play God.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I dislike having God in arguments. But wouldn't God know what life would be born? I know I'm pretty much assuming that he cares but why would he spend a "life" or "soul" or w/e on a child that he knew would never be born.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But a fetus may never be born.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not potential life, it's life. You can't say that a living sperm cell unites with a living egg cell and then die to possibly live again

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Technically a fertilized egg does not always result in a baby.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When does it become a "baby"? When it has arms and legs or has a beating heart? A fertilized egg is still a human, just not developed yet.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, but it is still possible for this to never happen. Even if this does happen. It's possible this baby will never be born. It's also possible for this baby to kill the mother.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Giving the logic that the baby might die in the womb is the equivalent of saying someone who drives a car might die today on their way to work. Anyone might die tomorrow. Yes, but we're not talking about medical threats to the mother.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sorry. I just wanted to bring up that point because it's my trump card. I can see where you're coming from and there are perfectly logical arguments for both sides. I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Agreeing to disagree is a great thing, if both sides are well informed about what they're arguing for (which you are).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you kind sir. I bid thee a farewell.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Does reading six new abortion posts everyday make anyone else want to punch babies.. Or is that just me?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay so suppose you end up having a baby out of wed-lock/as a teenager. Now think about all the effects on that child's life and the mother. The mother would most likely not get a proper education and have trouble financially supporting her child later in life because of her lack in education, lack of a degree, and lack of a good paying job. The child may also face emotional scars if he/she grows up without a father or is not often around his or her mother. I have personally seen a lot of kids get involved in bad things, make wrong choices, and go against ethics and morals because of situations like this. You may give that child a life but you may make that child's life a constant living hell. That child may also have a negative influence on people around him/her. I'm not saying abortion should always be the right choice but I look down upon people who are always propagandizing "pro-life". Some people feel bad enough getting an abortion and don't need people constantly yelling at them to keep the child. You have to think of all the effects. I'm running out of characters or else I would continue with all the negative effects which can occur when someone doesn't get an abortion

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But they wouldn't necessarily have to raise their son or daughter themselves. They could always put him or her up for adoption.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Imagine all the emotional scars a child would face if he or she thought his/her mother and father abandoned them. Not to mention it would be hard for a mother to have to give up her child after child-birth because of a bond between a child and mother. In addition, imagine the constant humiliation, the stares, the scolds. The negative emotions of the mother while the baby is in the womb reflect on the baby and have a HUGE impact on that child.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is not a valid argument. I know people whose mother had them as teenagers, and they turned out fine.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

HAS ANYBODY READ A TEXTBOOK. Babies have EVERY characteristic of birthed babies including the ability to feel pain, therefore a fetus is alive. Straight, cold, hard science absolutely devoid of religion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The fuck is a textbook?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Abortion is completely the choice of the woman. I know that a fetus will be a child, I know that it is growing and has potential. But why should someone who got pregnant by accident and isn't ready for a child put the needs of their UNBORN fetus before their own needs? The fetus does not have any friends, it does not have feelings or emotions (I'm no expert, but their emotions and feelings are NOT as complex as that of an out-of-the-womb human being) and the fetus does not even know what's going on. Why should anyone tell people that the needs of the already living person (who doesn't even want the kid) should be put after the unborn's? I just don't believe that it is murder at all. It doesn't make any sense to me. If I got pregnant by accident or by rape and didn't want the child, if it would grow up with a terrible life, or if having the baby could result in pain and complications for my own life, I am going to put my own life first. The truth is, the impact of my death will be much more important than that of an unborn fetus.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That`s why ADOPTION ADOPTION ADOPTION!!!!!!! *screams voice inside my head* is available and babies are in high demand! And abortion isn`t about the mother or the father, its about the fetus! We were all fetuses at one point. How dare you say that " since a person is only at the fetus stage your life is more important?!" I have never considered people heartless who get an abortion just not educated enough on the topic and a lack of sense as to what life is really about... but this post is heartless.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The world does not need more orphans. Eri never said "since a person is only at the fetus stage your life is more important." Don't misquote people. Yes we were all fetuses as one point. We were all sperm and eggs at one point too. Just because something is alive does not mean it is as valuable as a human being. Animals are alive. Insects are alive. TREES are alive. If you can tell me you have never eaten any fruit, vegetables, meat or grain products, and you have never killed an insect, and you have never purchased anything made of wood or paper, then you have a point. Whether or not something is expendable is based on sentience, not organic life. A fetus does not have a consciousness, therefore it is not a person, making your argument invalid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A fetus isn't potential life, it IS life. A fetus can live outside the womb after 6 months of developing. The minute you have sex is the minute you make your choice to POTENTIALLY have a baby. After that, I don't think the life growing inside you should have to pay for your inability to make the correct choice in the first place. Yes anyone can argue rape, but what's worse, rape or murder? There's always adoption, and there's ALWAYS a choice. The choice should just be made sooner than later.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Good POTD. Very controversial. Really got everyone to voice their opinion. In my opinion, under certain circumstances abortion is ok. It's not a good thing. but i could understand under certain circumstances. If you were raped, you'll die, or have a job where you couldn't be pregnant, then I understand that you COULD get an abortion. But if you had a rough orgy and got pregnant, that's your own damn fault. Have the fuckin kid. Abortion is still taking a human life. But I am not against, nor with abortion

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm confused as to why people are even still arguing about this. Abortion is a basic human right, it has been done for thousands of years in a variety of ways. The procedures done now are safer and more sanitary than ever before. If these were made unavailable, illegal and unsafe practices would flourish, because abortion always has and always will exist. Boo hoo. No person who possesses female reproductive organs should EVER be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, no matter the situation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

THANK YOU. I love you for this comment. l

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So, you're saying that all girls should get pregnant by now?

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not to say I believe in that, it just popped into my head. Since everyone else is spewing opinions, I shall too. As a woman it is my choice to govern my own body, and my fetus. That gives me 9-11 weeks before I decide whether to abort it, for *I* don't consider it a human until after that point. I believe that medically needed abortions are in a whole different category, of necessity rather than early abortion and choice. Abortion should not be considered illegal, it is a choice, but people should also be taught every way they have available to protect themselves from pregnancy, because abortion is *not* just a back up birth control to have to be used more than (hopefully) once in a lifetime.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Let's put it this way - If someone was in a coma and the family decide to let them go for the best, why isn't that considered murder? Because said person isn't in the right state of mind to make their own choice, leaving his/her family to it. Just like how a fetus isn't even developed enough to think for itself. If the doctor says that when the baby is born its chance of living is very small, along with the fact that the mother may also die during the process of birth, would you risk the mother's life just so that she can give birth to a dead baby? Of course, it depends on the situation - If this woman got pregnant because of her own foolish mistakes, then it's her responsibility to deliver this child and care for it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i just got nasty with your mom...sorry but you told me to

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There is actually no similarity between the two. You already made a baby, then you kill it. If you don't make a baby you aren't killing anything. You're pretty stupid if you can't grasp that concept.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Fetus =/= baby.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I seriously don't understand how people think they can decide abortion is murder and people who get abortions are heartless. How about everyone who thinks this way, try putting yourselves in the woman's shoes. There are many MANY factors that affect the choice of abortion, try having a fetes in your womb and knowing that when that baby is born you know that no matter how hard you try it WILL live a miserable life and probably suffer emotional or physical pain that you cannot BEGIN to imagine because you have not been through nor ever will be through such events, THEN come back and tell me that abortion is immoral. Just because you think its wrong does that give you the right to force women all around the world to destroy their lives just because you think abortion is immoral? Fuck you, people who think this way. Just fuck you...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Don't forget the amount of grown women who would die if it was illegal. http://www.genderacrossborders.com/2009/10/19/70000-a-year-die-from-illegal-abortions/ That's what is happening in the world right now. Imagine if our countries illegalized it? So many women would die, along with the fetuses (is that the right plural?). It's incredibly needless and terribly dangerous. We have the right to govern our own bodies. People act like abortion is used as a birth control without any real thought. That's bullshit. Abortion is serious and women who get them know this. There is counselling and everything for women who abort or want to. It's a very serious decision not made lightly. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I find it ironic that a lot of people who are pro-life are also for the death penalty. Of course it's only ironic when the people who are pro-life believe abortion is murder and that murder is always wrong. But that seems to be the main reason why people are pro-life...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

im pro life and anti death penalty un

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I said a lot of people. Not everyone. I was mainly talking about the whole stereotypical Conservative Texan stance of being anti-abortion because murder is always wrong while having an express lane to the electric chair. That's an exaggeration of course; I don't even know if they use the electric chair.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yea i see what you mean and i think the electric chair might be legal there but i don't know for sure :/

by Anonymous 12 years ago

By that logic you are comparing a criminal to an unborn baby. How does an unborn baby commit a crime?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Are you justifying murder? Yeah, criminals have done bad things, but they could change. What makes their life any less than the life of an unborn baby?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

To be honest, no, In my opinion, the death penalty is too risky to be done. With all the innocent people that have been jailed by accident, we can't risk killing them. I think a life sentence is a much worst punishment anyway. When it comes to abortion my stance is that I find it kind of immoral, BUT I feel that the government should have no part in a woman's body and that decision is hers. Their are parts of society that the government should stay out of and this is one of those cases.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Abortion is a toughie. I do fall more on the pro-life side but it's not a black and white issue. That being said, I disagree with your reasoning. Aborting a fetus is different than menstruating. People have already argued the science behind this, so to put it simply: If you aren't pregnant, there won't be a baby in 9 months. If you are pregnant, there will be. The argument is that abortion interfers with life that //will// be born if all goes well.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Though the logic in this post is flawed, it doesn't even mention menstruating. It just says that every moment a women isn't pregnant is a moment she could potentially be pregnant and if she is not pregnant she is squashing that potential, thus getting rid of the potential for her would be baby to cure cancer or whatever. Yeah, it's stupid and illogical, but it makes sense if you look at it from a totally illogical stand point.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Menstruating is implied, is it not? The post is talking about wasted potential by women who //could// be pregnant -- only women who are menstruating have that potential. I was just using a different way to describe the situation. I could have easily said 'Aborting a fetus is different than not being pregnant' and it would've meant the same thing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As a non-religious pro-life advocate, I found this fucking hilarious. y

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not potential life, it IS life. There is a huge difference. I can't believe this is the top post when the logic is so flawed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Perhaps some people should look up pictures of an aborted fetus, I'm very neutral on this topic, but some pictures can be rather disturbing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I went to the bodies exhibit. I saw actual fetuses in various stages of development (I even saw a baby inside a womb) in jars. I'm still very much pro choice.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Like I said, I'm neutral on this. In my eyes whether this is moral or immoral, the government doesn't really have any right to be involved in that choice.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. It's a woman's body, nobody should have the right to govern it but herself.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, I really doubt anyone is going to read this comment, but if a life has never existed it can't be extinguished. Therefore, not being pregnant is not the same thing as killing innocent children, whereas abortion still is.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A fetus deserves more recognition than "potential". This logic sucks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my opinion, adoption is the answer no matter what the circumstances. If you are raped and find yourself pregnant, then I suppose it should be your decision to make. I think the right choice would be to give birth to the child instead of killing it before it's had a chance to live. You could then put it up for adoption, or even raise it as your own if you think you're capable. Yes, it would suck giving birth to a baby you didn't ask for, but life isn't fair. I don't think I could personally live with the guilt of knowing that I allowed potential life to be killed. If you have unprotected sex and then decide to abort your babies, that is not okay. The purpose of sex is to make life. Having sex then killing the life you make is wrong. Basically, I think abortion is very wrong. However, I am neutral on whether it should be ILLEGAL or not.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Adoption is not the magic solution. The foster system is overcrowded, and many of the foster "parents" are corrupt. Unless it is a predetermined adoption (and even then, you never know what could happen) a child put up for adoption does not always have a decent life after.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Non-decent life > no life at all And it won't matter how corrupt the foster parents are because once the child turns 18 he/she will be able to move out and do whatever he/she wants.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, with no support system, no money, and no place to live, because you are shoved out of the system at 18.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I guess that's true. But even then I'll repeat what I said before. Non-decent life > No life at all And even then, there are many loving parents who would love to take care of a child in need. Not all foster parents are bad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know, and I'm actually on the fence about abortion, but I just don't think that people should act as if everything will be all right if a mother has her baby.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not everything will always be alright, but it will usually be better than if the baby is never given a chance. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" If it gets a great foster family, awesome! If it gets a crappy one, that's too bad. Being killed before getting a chance to live? That's too bad too. At least with them being born they have a chance to get an awesome family.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

True. I don't think we can ever resolve this, there are too many things to think about. Agree to disagree?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. This will never be peacefully resolved. It's impossible to please everyone. :(

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My baby nephew was born at 24 weeks when he was, technically, still a fetus. If my sister-in-law had wanted to she could have aborted him then instead of giving birth. He is a perfectly viable little boy. He has had to have a few surgeries and had oxygen for his first few months, but he's doing good now and will come home in about a month. They are babies no matter what age. Babies like my nephew Maveric are the proof.

by Anonymous 12 years ago