+179 People in general and school before high school in particular put way to much emphasis on having good self esteem and not nearly enough on how to actually earn it, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Until high school, teachers go on about feeling good about yourself, and no matter what you do is just fine, then you get to high school and it seems like all of a sudden the teachers decide that you actually do have to earn the good grades to get the reward and not just sit around. I'm not sure if that made any sense at all, but that was what I was getting at.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah and then suddenly the teachers are like no you can't turn that in late it's been over a week and you're like whaaaaat

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Wtf? Maybe I go to an asian district, but my school has done that since about fifth grade. I just finished middle school, so feel free to give me free advice on high school *shameless self advertising*

by Anonymous 11 years ago

"Everyone is beautiful" is a trend that needs to stop - especially in schools. Physically, everyone has something beautiful about them, so I have no problem with that. But saying that you are perfect and beautiful on the inside is a dangerous message. I've seen some of the younger generation in my old middle school, and a lot of them are downright pricks. It's for this reason I believe we need some sort of philosophy and ethics class. Tell people how to improve themselves and be better people, don't tell them they're "perfect". All that leads to is a bunch of entitled kids.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It's all up for interpretation. You can interpret "you are beautiful" to mean "you are fucking perfect and there is nothing wrong with you" OR "you have your imperfections, but they are what makes you you and that's what makes you beautiful."

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Unfortunately, most children are not intellectually mature enough to understand that distinction. Which makes sense - they're children.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This whole thread is kinda odd, because whenever we were given the "you're beautiful" talk, we were always told the latter. Then again it was a lot to take in at once for us kids, so the immature kids didn't take it seriously, and the mature kids cried and cried about how it would never catch on and people would always hate other people. Our school kept giving us the "you're beautiful" talk until almost everybody had the second mindset. To this day, I wonder if that was their original intention or not.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why should someone have to earn self esteem? Why does is matter if an ugly failure with no friends has high self esteem? Who cares if someone is over confident, what's so bad about that?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There is a difference between high self-esteem and narcissism

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No shit. Having self esteem even though you don't "deserve it" (most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, who are you to say how someone should earn self esteem and where their self esteem should comes from?) doesn't make you narcissistic. Even if someone is narcissistic, big whoop, why do you care? At least they don't hate themselves.

by Anonymous 11 years ago