+166 If you think about it, Voldemort has been stalking harry potter for SEVEN YEARS. So, what does he do in his free time? Work at McDonalds? Why doesn't he just create an earthquake under hogwarts and kill everyone? amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The first four books he was half-alive and moving around in Eastern Europe. After he came back, he was commanding the Death Eaters and slowly taking over the Ministry.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

ya but it does seem like a pretty long time. everyone in the books are afraid of his power but if he was really that powerful he could probably kill harry potter in like a week.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Harry is way too protected. Plus, he wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Murder harry, make the horcrux, then take over the ministry.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*three birds

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Three little birds!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, I know. I was too lazy to make the change when I realized it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hogwarts is protected. Plus, Dumbledore is there.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly. Like Simon said, he wasn't even a full being in the first four books. He doesn't know where Harry is in the seventh book. Dumbledore dies in 6, and Voldemort does take over Hogwarts. He probably would be able to easily get rid of Harry in 7 because Dumbledore's not there, but Harry's not at Hogwarts.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Voldemort wouldn't want to destroy Hogwarts, it was like his first home to him.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Voldemort's insane, and I don't really think he has any sympathy or sensitivity. He wouldn't care about destroying Hogwarts, he just can't.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not sympathy, per se. It's more like, "Well, this place got me out of that shitty-ass orphanage and I feel accepted." Personally, I think a lot of this could have been avoided if Dumbledore had hugged Tom once or twice, or said, "Hey, nice work with that blah blah blah." Reward good behavior --> have more good behavior.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Psycopaths don't think that way.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Did you even read the books?

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

This should of never made homepage. And Demonturkey is right. He didn't want any harm to come to hogwarts. And he even offers them a chance to surrender because he doesn't want it to be destroyed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your partly right, but please read the books, and Hogwarts is protected by spells and enchantments and cant be penetrated

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hogwarts is protected, Voldemort has a sort of nostalgia associated with Hogwarts, he didn't even have the strength to do anything on that scale until like the fifth book, and he also just wants to kill Harry personally and watch him die rather than just kill him along with everyone else at the same time in a building where he wouldn't even be able to watch him stuggle. They probably would've been fine even if there was an earthquake, anyway. I mean, it's a school full of witches and wizards. They'd think of something to stop it or at least get everyone out safely.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hahaha stuggle. Excellent points though

by Anonymous 12 years ago

:) All he ever wanted was the simple pleasure of watching a young boy struggle as he killed him. Is that so wrong? I think not!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Time for another one of my famed Harry Potter explanations?! YES! As said before: Whenever Harry is at Hogwarts or The Dursley's, he's far too well protected for even Tom to penetrate. Tom had this obsession with killing Harry himself and demanded that none of his followers do a single thing to harm Potter. Mostly because he wanted to prove to the world that Harry had only escaped either through luck or outside assistance. He needed to kill Harry not through any kind of surprise attack, but in a one on one duel. He needed to prove to the world that he was without a doubt the most powerful being alive. This alone put a huge limit on what could be done, and even not considering the ludicrous amount of power it would take to tear apart Hogwarts with magic, left this particular method of attack out of the question. Now, book by book, I can tell you exactly why Tom couldn't kill Harry and how he wasn't just "working at Mcdonalds" (cont'd)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Books 1-3: Tom wasn't in any state to kill Harry. End. Book 4: This was the first one where the plan was to kill Harry. It would have worked, but a one in a million occurrence happened in that their wands shared a core, making neither a reliable weapon against eachother, allowing Harry to escape again. Book 5: Tom was trying to build his forces again, gaining allies both human and not, without letting anyone know that he himself was back. At this point, he had mostly wised up to the immeasurable luck Harry had and wanted a prophecy that he thought would tell him how to destroy Harry once and for all. When the prophecy was lost, he said "Fuck it" and tried another direct attack. Dumbledore saved Harry's bacon. Book 6: He just never had an opening to attack Harry, so he continued to build his forces and gain more traction. (cont'd)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

and DID manage to kill Britain's greatest hero and hope for victory in the war. Book 7: At this point, he had complete control over the ministry. This, obviously, came as a result of all that burger flipping at McDonalds, right? He tried another direct attack with a different want than his own, hoping to get away from the core issue. It didn't work. After this, he had no idea where Potter was, though he still had a HUGE search issued on him. When he finally could face Potter again, it was his Tom's own stupidity that destroyed him. Stupidity in not making a single horcrux something no one would ever expect and stupidity in not expecting, after all these years, that the tricky, unreliable Elder Wand wouldn't so easily overcome Potter. But yeah... He clearly wasn't really doing anything in those seven years.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

He's sleeping with Lucius Malfoy. Duh.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

you guys are all really sensitive towards ur books. I'm sorry if i was offensive, i just posted this as an inside joke between me and my friend because we were saying how funny it would be for Voldemort to work at mcDonalds and people in the drive through would start spazzing out when they saw his face. i don't know why something so stupid made the homepage. I didn't mean this that seriously, and i have read the books and i know how totally wrong i was. Ok?

by Anonymous 12 years ago