+117 It's hard to understand why men pay higher insurance rates when you see a woman cut across 3 lanes of traffic without using a turn signal. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Or when they take left while the entire lane is blocked and end up in the middle of an intersection for 5 minutes forcing cars and pedestrians to stop.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Men do the exact same thing....it was a guy who hit me and totaled my car by turning left right in front of me...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It was a woman who maliciously sped with her brand new Mercedes off-road and in front of me in the middle of the highway, when there were no cars behind me.....

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A women. Not all women.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sooooo, it's hard to believe that men pay higher insurance because of ONE woman? Yeah, I don't think so. He was implying most women are crappy and reckless drivers.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"a women"- irony

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is so true. Every time I see horrible driving, I assume it's a woman, and I'm right 95% of the time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Me too I'm right a 100% of the time though, 95 % of the time

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because men drive faster (on average) and when they get in a wreck they are more likely to die/get seriously injured that a woman would, because women are mostly driving carelessly, but at a slower speed. At least that's how it was explained to me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Between the ages of 18-25 guys pay more. There are many reasons. First, because on average, guys drive more, making them at a higher risk for an accident. Also because young men tend to take more risks behind the wheel, and get into more accidents.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Although men do take more risks, women generally can't drive well... it's fighting against nature to let women drive! If women were meant to drive there would be parking lots in the bedroom and streets leading to the kitchen

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think there's just as many bad women drivers as there are men.. I really dont get why men think all women are maniacs on the rode.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because they can't spell road? The only time women belong on the "rode" is when they're giving head

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ahh shut the fuck up. Women can drive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

there's absolutely nothing about a woman's gender that causes her to be a worse driver than a man

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think it has to do with the fact that women aren't men... that's the whole thing about their gender that causes them to drive badly

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeah you're right. Women are badass racers on the road, get the hell out of our way or you better pay. We're more badass than grand theft auto. Men drive all careful and delicate like a bunch of pussies.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Women don't get into as brutal accidents as men do, they get into like fender benders and minor shit like that. The reason they charge men more is because they'll like blow up or some shit i guess.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A woman ran a red light and t-boned me. Her Jeep flipped over. Minor fender bender?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Maybe instead of fighting about who's worse, we should instigate some system which individually rates people on their ability to drive?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Women don't drive as much as men do because they're used to their boyfriends/husbands driving them around.

by Anonymous 12 years ago