+97 As you walk down the aisle of an airplane, your mind separates everyone into two categories: the people who can fit in their seats with the armrests down, and the ones who can't. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I never actually had to get up during a flight.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I separate them into three: family, suspected terrorists, and the hot guy sitting next to me. Of course, I doubt anyone actually is a terrorist, but my disorders make me wary of everyone.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What. Who thinks about people on the same plane being fat or not? Who CARES?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was more talking about when you're initially going down the aisle to find your seat. I always look ahead and try to see if my seatmates can fit in their seats or not. It may sound terrible, but I need the time to mentally prepare myself. I fly a lot, and, more often than not, I'm stuck sharing half of my seat with the gut and asscheek of the guy next to me (I've been in the middle seat where BOTH of them couldn't fit ASL;KDFJ A;SLGROSS). It's extremely irritating, uncomfortable, and fucking unsanitary sometimes. I don't want to be plastered next to someone else for hours; the armrest dividers are there for a reason! Technically, the rules state that the person is supposed to buy another seat if s/he can't fit, but I've NEVER seen that enforced. I usually don't care about someone's weight because it is obviously his/her own choice. but I do take issue when it negatively affects me - a customer who paid the same amount for a standard seat and the "personal bubble" that comes with it. </rant>

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lol really? I mostly fly European airlines so I never see that happen. It's literally never happened to me, actually, so I didn't understand or imagine that at first. Thanks for the explanation. y

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sorry if I came off really hostile/enraged/RAWRRRR haha. That post was inspired by a recent flight during which I had to sit on the tarmac for half an hour in the sweltering heat, and the sweat of my large, LARGE seatmate got all over me T___T . *shudders* SO not a pleasant experience. Here's to your country not having the highest obesity rate of 31% like America does!!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

America's a continent not a country, but yeah it sucks for USA.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well yes, I'm aware of that; America can be used as a shortened version of the United States of America and to imply just that country. I suppose the semantics might be different outside of the US. That 31% rate actually applies only to America and not Canada or Mexico, I believe.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lol I like how you say "to America(which includes Canada and Mexico), but not Canada or Mexico". I know what you mean, but it sounds silly to everyone outside the US because they use proper geography and aren't lazy on saying countries.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

More like who are hot guys and who aren't.

by Anonymous 12 years ago