-54 Porn makes you feel like you're missing out, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What am I missing out on, I have porn, plus I'm on the internet so it's free. That sounds like a victory to me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, it makes me feel like there are a lot of desperate, deprived guys out there...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't forget unattractive, we have that going for us too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And girls

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How does porn make someone desperate? You'd think if I was desperate I'd be out getting a prostitute or buying a girl 12 shots at some bar.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because guys that actually get some don't need porn. And not everyone has the money, methods of transportation, or lack of inhibition to go and get a prostitute. Yes, they are desperate.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guys who have sex don't always stop masturbating haha But of course that's different for everybody. Also, no one "needs" porn (excluding those who have an addiction or something). It's more of a luxury :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's stupid. Guys AND girls watch porn, even if they're "getting some." It's called masturbation and porn is a tool often used to assist. It's normal, not desperate.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Masturbation is normal; porn is not. If they're getting some and still watch it, they're probably either addicted or just flatout can't control themselves.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha wow... Porn IS normal. Porn is a tool to help masturbation. I can get off fine with or without porn. I still watch it sometimes even when I'm "getting some." I'm comfortable with my sexuality and I take care of my sexual health (and part of that, I believe, is getting to know what you like and how your body works). Just because YOU don't like porn, doesn't mean it's not normal.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually, no. Porn is not normal. Thousands of girls degrading themselves on the internet for the pleasure of other people, dehumanizing themselves, is NOT normal or right. Don't even talk to me about my relation to porn; I was addicted to porn last year but have since stopped and realized how wrong it is.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lots of things are addicting, that doesn't make them bad. People eat toilet paper, but that doesn't mean we should not sell it. I'm truly sorry about your personal experience, but not all experiences are the same. Masturbation is normal and porn is a natural tool. People can become addicted, but addictions exist everywhere and I believe it has more to do with the person than what they are addicted to (speaking from my personal experiences with addiction).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Toilet paper is basically a necessity for life; porn is not. Thetwo don't compare. Porn is not a natural tool. If it were natural, they would have had it a long time ago.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It wasn't the best example. But porn has existed for a very long time, so have sex toys (i.e. dildos). Tools used for sex are natural. Porn has been around pretty much forever: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1108372/how_long_has_erotica_existed.html Just because it can be addictive doesn't make it a bad thing. Like I said, people can become addicted to almost anything, and that has far more to do with the person than what they are addicted to.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm gonna rephrase that, because now that I think about it porn HAS been around for a long time. Thing is, humans should be getting visual and physical sexual stimulation from another person, someone who they love, not degrading, dehumanizing videos or pictures.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, not everyone CAN and not every porn star does the job and feels like shit. Believe it or not, but there are porn stars who enjoy their job and have standards for what they will or will not do. It's not always degrading or dehumanizing. We have the right to do what we choose with our bodies. Just because YOU wouldn't want to do it, doesn't mean someone else would not. Sometimes sex is simply about sex. For me? It's not. For others? It can be. Porn is a tool, plain and simple. Just because you dislike it does not make it a terrible thing. I don't like getting tied up during sex, but that doesn't make it a bad thing for those who do. We all have our own sexual enjoyments, who are you to say what's wrong?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Just because a person doesn't feel bad about what they do doesn't mean it isn't degrading. It's cheap, sexual material that features these faceless girls that are in the video/picture solely to provide sexual pleasure for whoever pleases to watch them do promiscuous things. That is degrading, whether or not the girl feels bad about it. Sexual enjoyments on a personal scale are alright. When it's a personal, intimate experience. Porn is cheap, faceless, degrading entertainment, and for that I say it's wrong. I know that some don't agree but that's my opinion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree that the majority of the porn I've seen is very degrading towards women, and your stance on porn is not an uncommon one. However, I don't think that the actual filming of sex is automatically nasty or debasing. Don't know if you've heard of this, but there's been a recent trend of porn made for women and filmed by women - I guess you could call it "independent porn." This indie female-oriented porn tends to be more focused on creating a back story with emotional involvements, like what you'd see in a movie but with XXX rated scenes. It also emphasizes the women achieving pleasure or at least mutual orgasms with their male partners. I know this doesn't erase all the freaky shit that's out there, but hopefully it'll make you feel a little better that there's porn created with the intent to be both sexually stimulating AND respectful.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly. Not all porn is 2 Girls 1 Cup. The people in the legitimate porn business get a huge say in what they do and who they do it with.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The only sex scenes I believe are any level of 'respectful' are ones in movies that are intended to show the manifestation of the emotional love that has been building throughout the movie, as physical love. When a film is created entirely for the purpose of sexually arousing the viewer, the people become faceless and the film becomes degrading.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If it's a film about a love story that involves sex? How is that degrading? People have sex... People in love especially.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You speak about porn like it's only girls. The men are faceless, too. More recently porn has started to appeal to the female audience. The men and women in the industry do it for the sexual intertainment of others. They're not idiots. They choose (most, obviously there is sexual exploitation in the porn world, but I do not condone that in any way) to do this for work. I agree that intimate personal experiences are great. But it's also important to be intimate with YOURSELF. Your own sexual health and the understanding of your own body is very important. A way to get to know yourself better (so to speak) is to masturbate. Using porn is a tool for this. Masturbation IS intimate and personal. Regardless of whether you enjoy it or not, you shouldn't consider it wrong. It's not for every person but it's not wrong to enjoy yourself and use images to do so. Men get off better with images, women with words. Would you call writers of erotica cheap? I wouldn't. It's a tool. Enjoy yourself however you want, just don't hurt anyone.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's true, the men ARE faceless. Just because they choose to do it does not make it uplifting instead of degrading. Understanding your own body is fine. Masturbation is alright. But using a totally cheap and degrading tool to do so is not necessary or right. It's perfectly easy to masturbate without porn. I do consider it wrong. That is my opinion, that it IS wrong. If that hurts someone - their problem, not mine. Writers of erotica: I would call their writing cheap. It's the same as written porn.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think how the people in the porn industry feel about their job is more important than what a viewer might think. If they all believed their job was so horrible and degrading, nobody would do it (not legally anyway). Hell, if you're married in the porn industry the only person you make porn with is your spouse! What if a couple makes porn of them for them? Sure it's EASY to masturbate without porn. It's easy to masturbate without a vibrator. It's still BETTER with a tool. Do you consider sex toys degrading as well? They're essentially the same thing, tools for sexual enjoyment. Also, what's wrong with erotica? It doesn't even involve anyone, and your issue with porn seems to be the people, not the content. Some erotica is really well written. Great stories simply including relevant and detailed sex scenes. How is that cheap?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The idea of something being degrading is not relative. Terrorists don't find what they do to be extreme or unnecessary, does that mean it isn't? Some prostitutes don't find what they do to be degrading or sleazy, does that mean it isn't? Some bullies don't find what they do to be mental abuse or in any way having an effect, does that mean it doesn't? I don't understand what you're asking. I never said that tools for sexual enjoyment were degrading; I said that tools for sexual enjoyment involving degrading and debasing a woman's physical beauty are degrading. About erotica; that's true, I have to agree with that. It's mainly the physical debasing of a woman that I have a problem with.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Some terrorists do find what they do to be extreme. And yes, I believe it is relative to a degree. Just because you disagree with someone's career choice doesn't make them a bad person, nor does it make them degraded. Also, don't bring prostitution into this, I feel like you might not agree with what I'd have to say (in an ideal world it would be like in Firefly, and I think that could work) and we're already debating something. But you don't understand. There is porn out there specifically targeting women, made for women. Not all porn debases women. I watch porn made for women. Porn isn't all ass fucking and men beating down women, that's gross. Good porn is two people equally involved and equally getting "attention." Or, for example women targeted porn, focuses more on the female getting attention and having a good time. You seem to think porn is all about submissive women. It's NOT. I'm saying what if a couple filmed themselves having sex to watch later, say when one or the other is out of town?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I actually never said anything about submissive women, so I don't know why you're making that the center of my argument... my point is the fact that women are doing sexual things and exposing their bodies for the cheap sexual entertainment of anyone who chooses to look at them, and that is what makes it degrading. Not the fact that some of it is male-dominant. Then there is nothing wrong with that, if the film is solely between the couple. That is just a further manifestation of the emotional and physical love between TWO people. There is no faceless degradation, no emotionless sexual entertainment. I think that's perfectly fine.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't get why you're so specific to the women. Men are in porn too, doing the exact same thing. Anyway, I said that's what it seemed because you're so specific towards women. Also, sparekey mentioned porn targeted for women, porn that involves a story and love and all the things you said are acceptable in a movie. What's wrong with that? If it's just a movie that happens to actually show the sex? Also, like I said before, porn actors who are married will only make porn with each other. Is that any different? I think it's a choice and you should ultimately accept that (if you can't respect it). What about strippers or burlesque girls? Some women like doing these things because it makes them feel powerful. I think you judge porn in a harsh light. Talk to a porn star before deciding that their career choice is hurting them or degrading them. Is a waitress who wears a low cut t-shirt any different? Women use their bodies. So do men. It's a choice. Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with using your own body as you wish.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sorry, I keep forgetting to clarify that men are also faceless and debased in porn. I don't think it's right when a movie revolves around sex as the main theme. Even if there is a small bit of love used to make it 'geared towards women', it's still sex-centered. In a movie that has a single sex scene, the movie generally revolves around an actual plot where you are given the opportunity to get attached to the characters before they engage in a sex scene. A couple making porn for others to watch is the same as any other porn. If it is for their own personal use - go for it. What makes you think I haven't accepted it? I can't not accept it; it's a fact that people are going to do it because some things in this world are just messed up and there's no changing that. I view strippers and other people who do live porn in the same light. Bullies do what they do because it makes them feel powerful. So do abusive spouses. That doesn't make it right. I don't have to know porn stars personally to realize that what they are doing IS degrading whether they feel it is or not. I mean honestly, who would make porn if they actually found it degrading? Wearing a lowcut shirt is entirely differe...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm going to point out that stripping to feel powerful hurts no one so your comparison to bullies and abusive people is flawed. The other stuff we've gone in circles around. How is wearing a low cut shirt any different? You're using your body.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So degrading a human being is not a bad thing? Sorry about that, the site cut my comment off. Anyhow, I don't approve of wearing lowcut shirts, because it sends a message to people. Though, it is not as bad of a thing as porn, obviously, because it is not at all the same as blatant nudity and the person is not doing sexual things avidly, but it is not good either. It IS using one's body and it IS sending a message to other people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not degrading to make a choice about your own body. Google defines degrading as, "Causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating." It's a personal feeling, you feel degraded. If you make a choice to do porn and don't lose your self-respect nor do you feel humiliated, then (at least by this definition) you're not degraded. Anyway, just because you disapprove of someone's actions, doesn't make them wrong. It's how we feel personally that makes the difference, provided nobody is being hurt by us. If I choose to take my top of in public you have no right to judge (lest there be children about). It is MY body and I will use it how I CHOOSE. You might not believe it, but I am a feminist. I believe in choice and the freedom to make that choice. There is nothing wrong with exposing yourself how you want and doing what you are comfortable with if nobody is hurt. Porn hurts nobody (you can argue diction, but that's not porns fault, it's the person and their own psyche).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So you would say that prostitution is not degrading either? Being basically the lowest part of society, STD ridden, etc, but not degrading because they don't personally view it as degrading? I believe it is wrong, regardless of whether they or you believe it isn't. Not all that is wrong physically hurts another person.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'd say that for the most part it certainly is degrading, because most women don't get into prostitution by choice but rather lack of choice and lack of options. They are forced rather than making a conscious decision and doing what they want. However, if you look at Firefly and the "companions," I do believe that form of legal prostitution would both work and not be degrading. However, the likelihood of such a thing to be brought about is low. I never specified physically, I said if it hurts someone. If the person doing porn is feeling bad about themselves, then that's not ok. If nobody is being hurt in any way, then that's not wrong. Furthermore, if the person doing the job actually gets enjoyment out of it and likes their job for whatever reason (they like showing off their body that they work hard to maintain, or whatever), then that to me is a good thing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Often, people don't feel bad about doing something bad even though it is bad. Doing bad things, indulging one's one pleasures, it feels good. That doesn't mean it isn't bad, degrading, or hurting their character just because they don't view it as such.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That doesn't make sense as "good" and "bad" are often very subjective.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My point is the opposite of that; 'good' and 'bad' are NOT subjective or relative to the person as far as morality goes. Just because a person doesn't view what they are doing as bad does not mean it is not bad. It just means that there personal opinion is that it is not bad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I disagree. Good and bad ARE subjective. Anyway, this seems to be going in circles...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah; I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Haha that I agree with!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Some porn is degrading, nasty, repulsive, and just plain creepy. I'm not going to lie to you there are some sick things on the internet. But porn doesn't have to be disgusting and unnatural. Sexual relations between consenting adults is not a disgraceful act that needs to be kept hidden. All kinds of animals enjoy expressing their sexuality, it's just a part of nature. Porn is a safe, fun, and easy way of experiencing something sexual without the complications and commitment of a relationship. There is nothing sick or evil about watching porn.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can read the above comments if you'd like to know my reply to your comment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Based on your above comment, I suspect you would say porn is degrading, cheap, and sleazy. You might also compare people in porn to prostitutes, bullies, and maybe even terrorists. You would also say there is nothing wrong with masturbation or sex but for some reason I can't understand you disapprove of porn and slutty clothing. I don't actually think you'd say any of that because you seem very bored with this discussion and most likely don't have a very high opinion of me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The comparison of porn to prostitues, bullies, and terrorists only make sense of you look at them in the context of the analogy, which it appears you didn't. As for the rest of the comment, I've already been over all of this in the course of the previous discussion I was engaged in, which has already ended as we came to an inarguable point. I don't have any lower an opinion of you than anyone else I come across that I perceive to be ignorant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Since you have decided to attack me with rude remarks instead of an insightful explanation of you views or an additional logical argument, I've decided not to post anything else on this thread. I came to discuss not bicker.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I haven't been rude. It is my opinion that you are ignorant, and I'm not going to sugarcoat that. You already stated that you believed I had a low opinion of you, so that should be no surprise. As to not having another argument, I don't believe you have anything better or more logical to say than twisted_memories said, in addition to the fact that I doubt you read the entire conversation; therefore I will not engage in another with you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How "good" (vague word, I realize) is the porn-made-for-women that you've seen? Are the men as equally attractive as the women (unlike in most mainstream porn)? I've only seen a little bit, and the only reason I even found out about it was because one of my tutorial leaders at uni mentioned that she filmed indie-feminist porn as a side job. Since we were all so curious, she relented and showed us some of the more soft-core stuff. I remember what was particularly interesting was that at the beginning and end of the movies, they had brief interviews with all of the actors so they could introduce themselves. I thought that although it might have taken away from the fantasy/story-telling factor, it was really great that the viewers were reminded that the actors were actual people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well I've only really watched a little, but the men were attractive, as were the women. All six packs and broad shoulders and whatnot lol. That sounds really interesting, "indie-feminist porn," awesome lol. I think there's more to porn than just someone getting fucked.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Honey, this is the digital age. Porn is pretty normal.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can read the above comments if you'd like to know my reply to your comment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I take it that by "desperate deprived guys" you really mean "normal people with natural sexual desires who just like watching porn"?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can read the above comments if you'd like to know my reply to your comment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not if I'm the one who made it! SHAZAM! h

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wouldn't know, I don't watch porn.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Cus your a faggot. No harm to Jamal but na nigga

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For all the forever aloners like me, yeah.

by Anonymous 13 years ago