+302 If you've ever used walkie talkies: It was always cool to listen in on someone else's conversation on a different channel, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Funny story: while my brothers and I were at a theme park, we went on someone else channel and told him that he had won a huge prize and should come running down the main road screaming with his hands up. Sure enough, we saw a boy running down the hill with his hands up screaming. It was pretty freaking hilarious. ^^^csb

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cool story bro.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I already csb'd my story silly!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I felt it needed another one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was camping once and started listening to a random channel that turned out to be an entire family of like 9 people. They had a 20 minute argument about where the remote control was. Apparently some of them were off hiking and some of them were back at the camp. I was very confused and tempted to butt in and ask why they had a remote control while camping anyway...I never did though and it will remain a mystery forever.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cool story bro.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know. I tell it at parties.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My dad gave me a pair for my tenth birthday and my friend and I took them outside and ran around our neighborhood being spies until some very stern sounding woman broke in and started scolding us for playing with what was supposed to be a serious safety tool, even going so far as to demand to speak to our parents. We panicked, took the batteries out, ran back home and told my dad, who laughed and said that we should have let her speak to him; he would have told her where to get off.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cool story bro. ( I lol'd)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Once I was messing around with my walkie talkies and didn't know that you could pick up other walkie talkies on different channels. I heard some sort of maintenance/construction workers talking, freaked out, and locked what I thought were now demon-possessed walkie talkies in a drawer wary.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My cousin and I used to do this at the homeschool convention. One time we heard some people talking about where they wanted to eat, so we gave them a restaurant recommendation, along with directions.  

by Anonymous 12 years ago

the way that was worded reminded me of MLIA. sorry to insult you like that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Haha no problem. I suppose any anecdote could potentially sound that way. 

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When I was 6, my dad had me take around a walkie talkie when I left the house. One time I accidentally switched the channel and this guy said something like "You effing whore!" I was like "Daddy, why did you say that?" and he said "I'm not your daddy, now stop eaves-droppin'!" So I ran home crying and my dad explained the channels thing to me. ^csb

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When my family and our family friends go skiing, we each have a walkie talkie so we can split into groups and go wherever. Each year we pick a celebrity that we've "seen" and try to get the story around the resort by the end of the week, so we switch our channels and start talking about the celebrity so other people hear us. ^csb

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My family and I used to go to this place called the City Museum, and since it was so big and my parents didn't want to chase us around all day, we'd use walkie talkies. There was always at least one other family doing the same thing, so it was really confusing...

by Anonymous 12 years ago