+268 It's disheartening when you go to the drug store to buy a lighter and the cashier assumes you're on drugs. Dang druggies, making us hard-working arsonists look bad, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Inb4, holy shoot, you crazy! This is a joke. I am not an arsonist. I just really love being facetious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

wat da fck iz rong wit u? u goin burnin shit? be better if u on drugs gurl. drugs b bttr 4 u. holy shoot, you crazy! Oh damn.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What? I've got to cover my tracks, so this wont haunt me when I apply for any high-profile jobs. I know it's probably just paranoid... but I'm paranoid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago