+595 It's frustrating when you help (or work with) someone on a project/assignment and they get a higher grade than you. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Even worse, when you do the entire project and get the same grade as your partner. I'm not willing to leave part of my project out because my partner is lazy. Assigned groups/partners: worst thing ever

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To make things worse, you get that tall, blond, blue eyed bitch girl wearing only a push-up bea and booty shorts to school who has an ego the size of Russia and EXPECTS you to do all the work without her lifting a finger besides saying she doesn't like this or that. I had that girl exactly for a science project, and since it was a small project(Not even 10 points) I just drew for my art class the whole time and did nothing. We failed the project for not doing a thing. She bitched at me afterwards that I didn't follow her rules. I had fun watching the fish-like look on her face when I told her to fuck off and flipped her off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i hate it when you get stuck in a group and you're the only one who is not friends with them so they stick you with all the work well they sit and talk! then when you ad it in well they are all sitting there talking they all end up with better marks then you because they told the teacher that YOU didn't d anything!

by Anonymous 13 years ago