+446 Every instrument section in band has their own personality, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Well that is true, but they can have opposite personalities depending on whether they are playing fast happy music or slow sad music e.g. the violin, it can be slow and pessimistic or happy and enthusiastic

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I meant the people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ohhhh, do you mean like the violinists are snobby, the cellists are dramati etc....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well that's more orchestra, but yeah. Like our trumpets are obnoxious, our trombones are smart and quiet, our flutes are all girly-girls, our clarinets are stupid, and our french horns are awesome.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Almost the same in my band, except the flutes are not as girly and more spontaneous and our trombones are far from quiet. It seems to be a thing for French horn players to be awesome. XD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Horn players are pretty awesome ;)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm guessing you're a french horn player??

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no, actually. I'm a clarinet, and one of the two exceptions to the section's stupidity.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

thanks tho :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Switch around trumpet and trombone and this is true.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Um, I would think french horns would be ridiculous, because french horns are ridiculous.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*coolstory* I read this book that had a comment in it with band geek stereotypes. Tuba- bouncer. Bass guitar- manwhore. Flute (girl)- you get all the guys. Flute (guy)- you get all the guys. Triangle- your skills are not nearly as impressive as you think they are. I chuckled.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that's the best. totally true as well.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my band, it's more like this: Flutes - huge gossips. Clarinets - smart, and good musicians. Saxophones - quiet, but really weird. French Horn - the biggest b**** you'd ever meet, and horrible at music too. Trumpets - think they're the best (they're not), and really obnoxious. Low Brass - inappropriate. Percussion - stupid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say you play the clarinet

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hehehe, I do. But it's true. Last year, 3 out of 6 of our section made it to All-State Band. None of the other, much larger, sections even made it to auditions.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my middle school, clarinets were the elitists, trumpets were the kids with swag, tubas were those kids that looked like they were seniors even though they were like 12, flutes were the chicken-headed girls who airily tittered at everything, percussionists were the quiet ones, saxophones were the ones who had no musical talent whatsoever, and the ones who played those obscure instruments no one cares about (eg bassoon) were the hipsters.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sorta similiar to alsatt's but a little different in my band: Flutes: ditzy Clarinets: annoying Saxophones: lazy Trumpets: obnoxious French horns/Mellophones: conceited Low brass: Pervy Drumline: EXTREMELY laid back Pit: Kinda weird

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my school it's Flutes: Talkers (although I play flute and barely talk) Trumpets: Slackers Clarinets: Know-it-alls Low Brass:Ditzy Saxophones: Class Clowns Percussion: In their own world

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Low brass, ditzy?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In my school anyway.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My band- flutes: Soft spoken, quiet clarinets: quiet but play the best Trumpets: think they're the best but don't know how many times the band director gives the clarinets back up parts for them Saxophones: loud and obnoxious Tuba/low brass: laid back Perc: dumb as fuck

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Trumpets- God in instrument form

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That only proves the trumpet stereotypes even more haha

by Anonymous 12 years ago

All stereotypes are based on something

by Anonymous 12 years ago

fair enough... i have seen from experience that the trumpet stereotypes fit, and that was just another example. you're a trumpet player arent you?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, I'm my school's lead trumpet How did you guess?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You do know the typical stereotype for trumpet players right?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes I do

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Then you've gotta admit that your original comment fits into that perfectly :P I mean nothing against any trumpet players (I'm good friends with quite a few) I just think it's funny

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm well aware that it does. And must I remind what instrument knocked down the walls of Jericho? What instrument did Gabriel play at the birth of Jesus? (^ That is assuming those events occurred as the Bible says, which is up for debate on other posts, not here)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey I'm not bagging on trumpets here! I play trumpet!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your name is frenchhornist, so I would assume you play french horn, which also means you play trumpet, as they are almost the same thing, just a different mouthpiece and shape, but same fingerings. I've played french horn a bit too, sat in back room with one of the school's during a student leader cookout for my band.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Were you playing on a single or double?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A double, my school has one really nice french horn, so I decided to pick it up for a bit, and just kept playing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well props to you and I encourage you to keep learning horn! I know quite a few trumpets that refuse to try but knowing horn and trumpet is a good set of skills to have :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thanks! The first day of school I am going to the back room and getting the flugelhorn down from the loft. Then I'll sneak one of the bad frenchhorns to keep in my locker as well. Just one question: Doesn't the shape of the case anger you? A bunch of my friends and I were tased with putting all the school instruments into the back room loft, which included about 5 french horns, and we could not for the life of us get them stacked in properly.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh believe me, there is no proper way to stack French horns haha. They are also difficult to walk long distances with because the case always manages to hit some part of your knee. They actually make ones with detatchable bells that are really nice, but totally not in my budget unfortunately. Maybe someday tho...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

percussion ftw.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Percussionists: Perverted, horny, and don't give a shit about anyting or anyone besides other percussionists. Also, weed.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pit guys are ALWAYS really creepy... In my band the flute girls are the smart type, the percussion are either extremely cool and funny or dumb douches, the clarinets never talk, the brass is obnoxious, and the colorguard is the hard-working section.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hahah, I'm in colorguard. We're taken as a joke by most of the band but I think we have the most fun.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We probably have the most fun, too, but that's when we have sectionals. When the whole band's together our main goal is to show up the instrumentalists, I guess. :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

my band: flutes: annoying, loud, girlish clarinets: mostly smart, usually knows what they're doing, can be annoying saxes: lazy, always confused oboes: awful musicians. hated by everyone else. percussion: either dumb douches or smart and knows what they're doing low brass: never pays attention, in their own world trumpets: loud. obnoxious. thinks they're hilarious but is actually annoying everyone else.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Good to know I'm an awful musician.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Flutes: We like to talk. A LOT. Clarinets: Biggest section in the band; don't really have a stereotype... Trumpets: Full of themselves. Obnoxious. Uncivilized. Think they're the biggest/best section. Trombones/Baritones/Low brass: Loud. Loud loud loud. Saxes/Low reeds/Mellophones: Just kinda there... Drumline/Pit: If they hear one good thing about them, they get cocky and never let you forget that you said something good about them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay. I actually like everyone and my band, and think almost everyone plays pretty good. The only people I don’t like would be some of the clarinets. Before anyone says anything, I happen to play clarinet. I’m actually going to switch to bass clarinet either this week, or the next, though. I find that most clarinets are either quite or annoying. I’m that one person who is both. Flutes are really sweet in my band. Trumpets are loud, but they are still cool. Our bassoon is super chill. Our saxophones are totally smoking weed, but, so am I. (Its a joke.) The trombones are actually super quite, so I can’t say much about them. We only have two French horns. I’m actually good friends with half the band, and so I’m friends with one of the French horns. He’s a total meme. Tubas are calm and cool. Our percussion people are either good or bad. We have about 3-4 good percussionists. The other half is... needing a bit of improvement.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

My band: Saxophones - Loud and and dorky but very friendly (my section) Trumpets - slackers and extremey obnoxious Flutes - quiet and extremely nice Low brass - hilarious Mellos - creepers Clarinets - smartypants Drumline - funny but stupid Pit - all the hot guys are in pit

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm gonna follow the trend and say what it's like in my (marching) band: Flutes- giggle a lot, smart and fun to talk to Clarinets- either really annoying or know-it-alls. Saxes/low reeds- super funny & random, perverted and weird Mellos- spontaneous and the cool kids Trumpets- wannabe Mellos Trombones/baritones- not very loud and don't have much personality Tubas- loud and rambunctious (sp?) but cool/funny Pit- in their own world Drumline- perverted and also in their own world. Not separately, but as a whole. There are a lot of exceptions..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

oh yeah, and our percussion is as cocky as hell they are the only people who have ever made our band director yell (I'm a poet and I didn't even know it)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

For our band this is what it's like: Flutes-Almost always laughing or talking Clarinets-Most of us are either quiet or have serious attitude problems Saxophones-Cockiest woodwind section, always showing off how fast they can play Trumpet-Obnoxious, loud, and cocky French Horns/Mellophone-Always goofing off, but really good players Trombones-Either really loud and perverted or so quiet you forget that they're in band Euphonium/Baritone-Quiet Tubas-Always bragging about being a tuba and always playing. Probably the most dedicated section Pit-Really awkward and weird Drumline-Good-looking, but also jerks. The motto of the girls in band is "Never date a drummer." Color guard-overly-dramatic and emotional

by Anonymous 12 years ago

EVERYONE on drumline is a douche.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Percussionists are just misunderstood!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Flutes are the ditsy ones Clarinets don't give a crap Saxophones try hard but get covered up low brass try just a little too little Colorgaurd are mainly sluts Trumpets are show-offs And the drumline is overly cocky

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The clarinets are absolutely insane, french horns seem to have the most fun, and the trombones are completely dependent on their section leader. Those are the only stereotypes that everyone in the section fits.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My band- flutes: Popular, girly girls clarinets: Annoying nerds Trumpets: Think there the best but they arn't Saxophones: loud, obnoxious and lazy Tuba/low brass: Laid back Perc: Dumb

by Anonymous 12 years ago

For my band flute- girly, extremely nice, love to laugh and talk trumpets- huge egos but really funny bass clarinets- i know this shouldn't be a seperate section but the bass clarinets that we have are so bossy they think they rule the band ( no offense to any bass clarinet players it may just be these girls) trombone- obnoxious but really funny at times and they are also loud but hey we love'em clarinets- girls- really quiet but they can play really good guys- just amazing :) percussion- really loud and sort of the clowns in the band saxophones- really good at improve but sometimes really annoying tubas- tubas like flute players and they are also perfectionists but they are strong because they have to lug that big thing around violin- they are just sassy people

by Anonymous 12 years ago

but who is cockier, Lead Trumpets or Snare Line?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

the question of the century, my friend.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

the addition of freshmen to the band has changed it quite a bit trumpets: either complete slackers or very knowledgeable musicians. either way they think they know everything trombones: never talk ever. saxes: liked by nearly everybody, and are always very on top of things. flutes: all the girly girls clarinets: voted the worst section 7 years running, has all the people who aren't serious about marching band (I'm a clarinet and this is very frustrating because band is very important to me. That's why I'm oboe for concert band!) mellos: they're all charismatic and really close with each other sousas: kind of big-headed but talented in general baritones: weird. weird weird weird. battery: utter douchebags. pit: the best word to describe them would be "band-hipsters"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Clarinets - very talkative but very quiet when playing. Flutes - extremely talkative and rude and are probably the best group in our band Frenchhorn - mess up (one's a trumpet player and the other's a flute player, only 2 frenchhorn players) constantly but try their best, quiet. Trumpets - VERY COMPETETIVE and a tad bit annoying.They have the two most popular people in the band and joke alot, but they don't know the definition of the word ' SHUT UP' Saxophone - very wierd and in their own world. Pervy and all that other stuff. Their fun to hang around. Low Brass - LOUD and are complete douches. Percussion - wierd and pervy. They can't shut up. Very cocky. Melodics - (I'm in this group) Quiet and barely heard (only two people) We're always in our own world.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Flutes: Quiet and prim, but also huge gossips amongst themselves. I swear, they whisper and titter so much and never get caught. Clarinets: They all act like family and will shank you if you mess with one of their own. Also, gay pride central of the bandroom. :D Bass Clarinet: Consists of a single guy. Can't march, squawks a lot, socially awkward. And basically only talks to the band director. Everyone hates him for some reason... Maybe because he's cocky, but isn't actually too good? Trumpets: SHUT UP, MY GOD. First and second chair argue a lot. Last chair freshmen are awkward and quiet. Arrogant as all hell and practices "quietly" even when the director is talking. But, honestly, they get the most solos because they're that good. Saxophones: Cool, but uptight hipsters. Will play notes over and over and OVER again until they sound perfect. Superiority complexes are common. French Horns: A pair of epic people who are mostly into anime. Actually, I think their whole lives are anime and band. Trombones: HELL YEAH, MY PLACE OF DWELLING. Pokemon cards falling into puddles of spit, inappropriate joke about certain parts of the male anatomy, and slides colliding with stands to create flying sheet music. We get yelled at for talking even though the band director is way up at the front of the room playing piano. I think he just assumes we're always talking. Sheet music is frequently lost and all seven of us crowd around my stand (because I'm usually the most responsible). Famous procrastinators we are, who doodle random shit in our practice books when we should be writing notes over parts we have trouble with. Oh, what a lovely home. Baritones: Get trombone parts when we're laughing too hard and can't get our shit together enough to play correctly for the director. There are three of them and all are weird beings who play loud but sound awful. Tubas: The hugest people you will ever meet. Mostly upperclassmen and all take things too seriously. Seem to enjoy stacking and sliding things when loading up the trailer and always yell at people to hurry up. Terrifying when they are back-stepping toward you at a fast pace. I've prayed so many times for no rocks or holes to appear beneath their feet. Drum line: Cocky. Studs. Can't back step to save their lives. Talk too much. Pit: Odd, but likable people. Mostly talk amongst themselves. Guard: Terrifyingly uncoordinated, but can do cool shit. Tension runs rampant and cat fights always feel inevitable. Hog the band room's single bathroom before competitions to do makeup, even though there's a line of kids who need to rid themselves of Gatorade and Taco Bell.

by Anonymous 7 years ago

my band. Flutist: Sensitive yet gossipy feminine figures (nice at one point but mean the next) piccolo: literally a flute clarinet: conserved but generally good, preferable to be with out of band saxophone: there is only one and he is good so i'll go off of the middle school steriotype. Memes. french horn: (only me, has only been me for years) confused and cries with joy whenever I get something right. is bad in middle school but then suddenly and miraculously improves when in highschool. replacement for the mellophones when there are none in marching. Trumpet: egotistical but when good they are GOOD, to the point where the egotistic attitude is admirable. trombone: VROOOM VROOOOOMM, either doesn't work at all or is an overachiever, generally layed back, (all of my friends are trombonist) Baritone/euphonium: quiet usually, sometimes memey but mostly just there. usually not to good at playing but are not irritating so that is ok. Tuba: perverts and memes. Percussionist.. there are only two and one is half time baritone, the full time one is quiet spoken but good at what he does. middle school band just wants to hit everything. color guard: White girls but funny ones, Often pretend to have jousting battles. look like hoes but aren't really. everyone is egotistical in their own way, everyone thinks they are the best. or at least their instrument.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Trombones aren't quiet people normally, just a close group that at times may be more cult-like than the band in general. A chill group that is greatly underappreciated within most bands so more likely to keep the energy and insanity within the trombone section, keeping the rest of the band clueless and also under the impression that the trombone section is a quiet group of people. Nah. We're crazy.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

My school: Flutes: Girls who are bossy and just titter all the time(there’s only one guy), Oboes: Nice but violent, Piccolo: It’s a flute player, Bassoon: Funny but aggressive, Bass Clarinet: Okay-nice, Clarinet: They have a serious attitude problem, Saxophones: Usually quiet but the girls gossip a lot, Trombone: Horribly inappropriate and make weird jokes, Trumpet: Here’s the thing. I’m a trumpet player and like the only girl in the whole section so I’m really quiet. But most of the other guys are too. The kid who is 1st chair IS really obnoxious. French Horn: They’re just quiet but mess up a lot, Euphonium: Popular wannabes, Tuba: Pretty talented kids.

by Anonymous 1 month ago