+294 Even though Rebecca Black isn't the best of singers, its kind of cool how she came out with another song even though pretty much all of the world hates her, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Money > disapproval

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I guess you have to give her credit for determination, or something.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

She has agents and producers to give her fake compliments. That's all she needs.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And my truthful, realistic comment gets badded. Can't say I'm surprised.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Is badded a word?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I like her new song.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

go away

by Anonymous 12 years ago

At first, I was like "who does he think he is." But then I saw you like Jake and Amir, so it's cool.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I love how the people at the end don't clap.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

While 'My Moment' honestly isn't very good, the quality of her voice as she sings it is about on par with Miley Cyrus. It's certainly not quality music, but no one's eardrums are bleeding because of it. Most people are only hating on the song because it's Rebecca Black, IMHO.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

One of top comments was "I came here just to dislike this." It's not that bad, people need to get off the hate band wagon.

by Anonymous 12 years ago