+278 If I could go back in time, I wouldn't kill Hitler. I would kill Franz Ferdinand's assassinator, thus stopping two world wars. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's assassin. His name was Gavrilo Principe. I'm a douche, I know, but I just had to swoop in there.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Of the terrorist group, The Black Hand. Who was going to die of Tuberculosis anyway. :P

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's Gavrilo Princip

by Anonymous 12 years ago

hahahaha, did you know it all happened because Gavrilo wanted a sandwich? the assassination plot failed, so he went to eat a sandwich, but then the archduke went by so he killed him!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Even if you kill the assassin Austria would have just found another reason to declare war. I personally think that nothing could have been done to avoid World War 1 and 2. But that's just what I think...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yus, the build up for World War I started at the latest during the second colonization, which ended up creating tensions, because countries didn't equally have Africa divided up (pretty fucked up, but...), then there's Germany's progress and militarization which threatened even Great Britain. The alliances they created didn't help, because it just created more paranoia between the countries. This isn't even including WHY the Black Hand wanted the Archduke assassinated. AND I would kill the archdukes' dad who was the one who officially declared war on Serbia. But being able to prevent WWI would prevent WWII, because the way they ended WWI is what caused WWII. Most of this is to OP, and not to you JPMS. But since you brought up a good point, I wrote it to you :>

by Anonymous 12 years ago

^ Yes. Serbia was going to surrender even though Austria made an outrageous deal to not have war, but they decided to declare war on us anyway which lead to all the assassination attempts, and a success to the douche Franz. ZIVELA SRBIJA

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If I could go back in time, I would eat some original pizza.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I would just kill Hitler when he was young. It saves a lot of time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, and who cares about all those people who died in WWI anyway! :3 Also, assassinator. Lulz.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ikr? who cares? jk, im always a bit fuzzy on exactly what happened in ww1 to have an opinion of what i would do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago