+196 It's funny how countless kids now days claim to have disorders (OCD, insomnia, ADD, etc) when 90% of them don't even know what these disorders are, more than what they've heard from their parents or something. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yeah, but some kids really have these disorders. :(

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm aware. I actually have Insomnia, and mild OCD.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

sometimes ppl are diagnosed just so the drug companies can make a buck

by Anonymous 14 years ago

this is true.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What's worse is that they'll use it as an excuse to annoy the living shit out of you. -.-

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I know this girl who says she has ADD, stomach cancer, she got pregnant and had to get an abortion, had a tumor in her arm (IT WAS A VEIN), scratched her cornea and the doctors made her wear a contact lens as a bandaid (this happened to me in January and i couldn't go to school for a week/wear contact lenses for a month), claims to cut herself and have severe depression, and countless other things... none of which are true. i know not all of these are disorders but still

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm 12 and I really have OCD, but when I tell people, they think I'm making it up (I'm not, my doctor diagnosed it).

by Anonymous 12 years ago