+279 Waiting in line at the grocery store is just a mini version of being stuck in traffic. No matter which lane you choose the ones next to you always move faster. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This was actually something I did a report on. If there are multiple lanes and multiple checkouts, with one lane for every checkout, customers get pissed off, because it always feels like they're in the slowest lane, regardless of the speeds of the other lanes. And, the best thing to do it have multiple checkouts with only one lane, so that whatever checkout is free first, the first person on the lane goes to it. This way, customers don't feel it's unfair, but the drawbacks are that one long lane looks longer than multiple smaller lanes, even if it's the same amount of people. /CoolStoryBro

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes so annoying you can't even buy ice cream cause it melts while you wait in line.

by Anonymous 6 years ago