-439 They should get rid of classes like gym and music and art at school so it will save money and saving money will create more jobs and create more pay raises. Also taxes would decrease and the school day would be shorter. plus no one really likes classes like that, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Are...Are you stupid?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think I'm stupid. Think about it, this could work

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, no it cannot. You sir or maam are utterly stupid. You must have not gone to school. This is actually the dumbest things I have ever heard and now I feel dumb for reading it. Smart girl is not smart. Have a nice day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

then can you explain why it won't work? And i do go to school fyi

by Anonymous 13 years ago

because people LIKE music and art and gym, and it gives students a break from all their academic classes, and a chance to let some talents that may not be present in academic classes show. It would put even MORE teachers out of a job, so you and OP are stupid because it would be ELIMINATING jobs, and some kids favorite classes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

... There needs to be an emoticon of the lolwut guy shaking his head saying "no" and throwing the middle finger.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and there needs to be an emoticon of someone asking you to explain why im wrong instead of just calling me stupid. Seriously, how would this not work? It would save money and benefit the economy, no?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That would be a stupid emoticon. First off, cutting classes may save more money, but it can no way in hell make more jobs/decrease the school day. You are actually making people LOSE jobs and hurting the economy.. Also, those classes are probably the only ones that a majority of students enjoy. Cutting them might have an affect on the amount of drop outs, therefore having more people with out an education.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thanks for explaining, but i have to disagree. it would make more jobs because then the school will have more money to invest it in more important things like maybe hiring more secretaries thus, creating more jobs. Even if you like those classes, you gotta admit, gym, music classes, and art classes aren't needed and unnecessary. Oh, and *effect

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, and Thanks*, I*, It*, would*, no it, no maybe, which would create*, have to*, no comma after admit, are unnecessary*. Your comment could have been organized in a much more logical manner, but I worked with what you typed and corrected some of the mistakes. I really dislike Grammar Nazis, but since you had to be a fucking dipshit and correct one insignificant error (making many yourself), I felt the need to do something.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank God no one takes you seriously

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You shouldn't insult someone's views and stuff on this subject like that. You need an open mind

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Protip: Actually educate yourself on a subject before talking about it to prevent insults against you

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am educated. I spent some good time looking this up

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're kidding me.... ono

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not kidding you. no need to use the facepalm emoticon.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono trollface.jpg

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh, I didn't know we had that. Thanks lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Wow. Teachers teach those classes. They would be out of a job. And I love all those classes. And yes it is necessary to workout, and learn to express yourself. If there's no music there's no band, no band no halftime show or fun music during the game, no fun music during the game less people want to go. Also back to the no music no band thing: no band the kids that don't have a passion otherwise just might kill themselves. Therefore cutting music would kill people. I just used your logic against you. Never become a politician.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also playing music makes you smarter. It creates neuro pathways in your brain. If people are smarter then they will wipe out myths and create technology that will further advance the world. So lower taxes or growing as a civilization?

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love P.E. and it helps kids not get FAT! And I've been in band for five years.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm sorry i had to go to the comments section just to let you know that your wrong, cutting those classes prevent people from obtaining jobs, and no music or art prevent most future careers needed for an entrepreneur's creative side. And where do those teachers go who studied those classes you would like to cut because they so followed their passion by attending those classes as kids and wish to spread the joy they have learned throughout their childhood? And gym is a needed class they help with teamwork and physical activity so theyre aren't so many fatasses around which is a good thing, music is to increase your creativity and it happens to be nice to sing without sounding like a dying giraffe, then theirs art, art brings in a lot of profit and if it wasnt supported in the school we would actually lose money, go figure.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They wouldn't have those classes if no one liked them

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The school day is not long because we have classes like art and band and gym, it's because the government requires students to be in school for a certain number of days for a certain number of hours. (At least, that's why in the U.S., don't hold me to that for other countries.) Also, if you don't like those classes, why sign up for them? Fine arts are usually electives. Classes like art and band work the creative part of your brain and give you a break from number crunching all day. Gym is required because it often doubles as a health education class, and because sitting all day is bad for you and you need some physical activity. Physical activity breaks also help you think and study. Many schools have cut back on the art and music departments to save money, so you have the right idea, but this just resulted in lower student morale and people out of jobs because they didn't use the money to hire anyone else.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay seriously? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Your saying that just because you don't like gym, art or music that you think they are pointless? That is the worst reasoning I have ever heard. I don't really like you, does that mean you are pointless? Also if we didn't have classes like gym, art or music there would be a drastic decrease in the amount of athletes, therefore no entertainment for people at home and hundreds of less jobs for all the different types of professional athletes. If there is no art then kids can no longer express themselves, thus leading to rise in suicide and depression as well as no beauty for really anything because art is incorporated into nearly everything. Take away music and you remove even more self expression leading to more suicide and absolutely no entertainment what-so-ever for anyone all over the world. Not to mention that if we just started removing classes because some people didn't like them, we would no longer have any classes at all. Because everyone has different opinions.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

To add to this argument these classes prepare you for more than just the obvious jobs. Music is used in so many different ways: think about how much music is in television and movies not to mention practical things like music therapy etc... Art is incorporated in things people use everyday: web design, advertising, video game design, cover art for books etc... Gym: as said can double as health class at times and works to prepare students for physiotherapy, nutrition, stunt doubles etc...(I'm not big into gym so I can't think of as many examples but I'm sure there are). In other words these so called "pointless" classes have many different practical application and cutting these programs would cause not only immediate job loss but also future job loss because students wouldn't be prepared for studying their passions in higher education. And following your passions also leads to being happier later in life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Great idea! In fact, let's just cut ALL classes, have students show up for lunch and then have them leave. That would solve everything.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They could give the money they save to the special ed classes, which you'd obviously benefit from.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you're cutting the coaches, music teacher, and the art teacher how does that create new jobs?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was with you up until the "plus no one really likes those classes anyway" part. Classes like art, music, and gym, is what makes students "well-rounded", instead of just a bunch of academic book worms with no outside hobbies. Although i do agree that majoring in art/music or trying to make a career out of it is a waste of time, (sorry if i offend anyone) i do strongly believe that art, music, and gym should be used to give students a chance to find a hobby to do OUTSIDE of school time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My friend is a music major and she's already got a job, not even graduated yet. So it's definitely not pointless, there is work for people who major in fine arts or music.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're right. I'll just go get the opinions of Steve Nash, Mozart, and Michelangelo to back you up.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What a rediculous, uneducated post. How old are you, 12?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Your freakin idea is stupid because art and music inspire creativity and encourage it. Gym is a way of relaxing and keeping in shape. Saying what you said is like saying they should take away your brain o wait they did. Seriously I have heard better ideas from drunk people

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think turning students into uncreative cattle is going to help anything.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You all just got trolled

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Delete your account please

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

You must not be very skilled in music art or be very athletic

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's a good thing that being an athlete, musician or artist isn't an actual career option! Oh wait.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think PE should be optional (not obsolete - I hate PE with a vengeance because we have to go out in the cold :C ), but Music and Art should still be part of lessons (I hate Music too, but at least it's in a classroom) and I love Art :D I get where you are coming from, but other people do like these lessons too and stuff like Art is important for some jobs (like an Architect). PE should be optional/only fat people have to do it IMO, because: - Some people struggle with physical activity (NOT FAT PEOPLE - like, people with bad knees and stuff.) - PE kit costs loads *.* - Most of us girls don't like going out in the freezing cold or the boiling hot! - Many employers aren't interested in Physical Education stuff. However: - Some people really enjoy it. - 'Tis good for you! (: - Helps build leadership and communication skills. The only negatives to Art/Music is that some people just don't like it, but there is nothing physically bad about them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago