+241 It's ridiculous that Obama reversed Bush's legislation on affirmative action. Now it's once again okay for colleges to take black students just because they're black, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is stupid to accept someone simply based on skin color, something they have no control over. If that particular person deserves the spot over someone else, then by all means, accept them. But don't accept them over someone who deserves it more just because of their skin color.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"Is it cause I'm black?" "Yes, actually!"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's pretty much racism. They're treated differently because of the color of their skin.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pretty much? It *is* racism.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Affirmative action is a distraction from the real issue: lack of money. Neil deGrasse Tyson's kids are more likely to be able to afford college than some stupid redneck's kids.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Although I still wouldn't be on board, what makes a rich black person at more of a disadvantage than a poor white person? If you're going to admit people based upon need, then base it on socioeconomic status, as opposed to race. The longer we look at people as black people and white people and all that's in between, the longer racism will prevail. The only way to get past racism is to treat people as what they are--people. Black people are just as capable of getting into college as white people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well said

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you sir. And you just gave me my 50th love. Thanks for the achievement :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're very welcome.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. While Affirmative Action made sense in the 1960s because almost every black American was at a disadvantage because of segregation and lack of opportunities in the workplace, I don't think it works well now. Black people do still have a disadvantage-just look at the way income is divided by race. But today, there are millions of black people whose parents graduated from Ivy League colleges and drive nice sports cars who should not be eligible for Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action should be given to poor income students whose parents did not graduate from college.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Its screwed up, because the current black society wasn't slaved at all. So why make the current white kid lose his/her spot in college? The hispanics and blacks both get all these minority b.s. opportunities JUST because they were born into the world like this. As a middle eastern, i am considered "White" although my parents aren't well off financially speaking, nor are they graduates of high school, let alone college. So why should the black/hispanic kid get that advantage over me, when we've been in very similar positions, growing up in the worst neighborhoods, yet I managed to ATTEMPT to get a live, whereas they screw theirs on their own. (This does NOT apply to every black/hispanic kid, but I do know a hella people like this.)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

http://amirite.net/366394 Where I stand on this is in THIS post's comments. I am too lazy to say it all again.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey, I'm Serbian! Can I go to Yale?!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Some schools are desperate for black students. affirmative action or not. They want diversity, and people are saying that blacks are just as capable of white of getting into college, then why are there WAY less blacks in many colleges? By law, many companies are supposed to hire a certain amount of minorities or else they can be accused of discrimination. Do you think they should get rid of those laws too? There are a grouo if universities that need minorities to go to their schools, so they give them scholarships. They are Posse schools. I do.t particularly see anything wrong as that because minorities typically can't afford college as much as caucasians. As long as affirmative action chooses qualified minorities, I think it is a positive thing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If someone can't afford college, it should be based on that to get scholarships. Not race. And having to fill quotas is racism, it's judging people and hiring based on race. I.e. Racism

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, so if two people (one white, one black) are equally qualified and both need a scholarship to go to the school, who should get it? That question is hard. The school is 50% white and 8% black. Now who should get it and enroll? The student that will help bring diversity to the school. I think (or hope) that's the thought process colleges go through. It's not just arbitrarily picking a student for a scholarship because they are black. If there are schools out there picking students //just// because they are black (I'm not advocating that), there are probably way more companies and such //not// picking them because of that. Minorities are less likely to succeed, so why not help those that are qualified? Especially because, like Sandrine said, minorities typically have to not be equal to but //better/ than white people to be chosen above them in the real world. Plus, I don't think colleges that use affirmative action would ever pick a minority over a white student who is more qualified.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If the black student is an upper-middle class suburban kid like everyone else at the school and the white student is a six-fingered blind Norwegian Wiccan who juggles samurai swords, the white kid would actually make the student body more diverse. Don't assume different colors means more diverse.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with your statement that racial diversity might not equate to socioeconomic diversity, but it is still SOME kind of diversity. Do I think colleges should also consider socioeconomic status also when/if using affirmative action? Yes. More often than not, people of different races have different cultures, even if slightly. This is why I think applicants should make use of college interviews. Again, I am for affirmative action that does not ARBITRARILY pick minorities. As for the quotas, companies should hire people that are qualified, but that should include minorities. If they don't hire minorities, it is fine if they can prove that specific minorities they did not hire were not qualified. If a large company has barely any minorities and cannot prove that any of them were unqualified, then we know there is a good chance discrimination is involved. it is sadly still alive and well, and hopefully we will no longer need these systems one day. Yes, both of these systems might have flaws and corruption, but I don't think it is "ridiculous" to keep them, hence my NW, nor is it simply about picking people because they are black. It think it's smart to better/improve them. Also,...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think it's great that schools want diversity. Having students from different religous, ethinic, and socio-economic backgrounds gives the community lots of new ideas, perspectives, and improves education. However, a multi-colored student body doesn't mean a diverse student body. Rich black american suburban kids and rich white american suburban kids are exactly the same. I do think companies should get rid of racial quotas and hire only the people who are most qualified for the job. That way, companies will be more productive and effiecent.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Trying to fill a quota of multiple races is stupid. If you have a lot of minorities at your school, great. If you don't, so what? I just think it's stupid that race is considered at all in college applications/admittance. It should make absolutely no difference. They shouldn't try to accept more black people just to have diversity at the school, they should accept people that deserve to be accepted. Society has made diversity such a big deal, and it shouldn't be. We shouldn't TRY to achieve diversity, we should just let it happen. If it does, great, if not, who cares?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not really, and if you actually think that it shows your ignorance. Is the curriculum the same? Sure. But that doesn't mean kids actually get taught everything they're supposed to. The education in inner city schools is horrible. There is a lot of violence in those schools, which obviously doesn't make for a good academic environment. There are plenty of good kids who would like to go to school and do well, but how would you feel if you had to worry about guns and fights everyday? So a lot of kids end up skipping school and eventually dropping out. And people are discouraged from trying to change things. In a Baltimore City school, one principal tried to fail kids who didn't do their work and suspend kids who caused trouble, but she was fired because too many parents complained. Not to mention, even if the education was the same, which it's not, the graduation rates are abysmal because there is so much violence. I know a of one really bad school in my state that had a 25% graduation rate last year. So even though hypothetically the education should be similar, there's clearly no way you can say that inner city kids are anywhere near as prepared fo...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's why they should tailor Affirmative action for lower income students, not just black students.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Its cause hes a black liberal what do you expect?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Affirmative Action is not a quota, and it is only trying to combat discrimination the extreme lack of opportunity for certain minorities. Plus, lots of people get into college for reasons other than their smarts, such as being a legacy, child of a financial donor, or sports.I think this is an issue people need to research and think about the different aspects of before they make a decision about whether they agree with it or not.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, he is kinda biased...lol jks

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with OP it's racist to give them college exceptance just because of race. It's equivalent to turning down someone because of their race.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The amount of middle class white kids on this post that think they understand affirmative action but haven't done any research on it is pretty sad. So to clear up some misconceptions. -Quotas are not legal in the United States. "No employer, university, or other entity may create a set number required for each race" (although they can encourage diversity). Affirmative action has NOTHING to do with quotas. - Affirmative action was introduced in 1961 to try and stop people from discriminating and only hiring and admitting white people "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." <- didn't include women until later. -It is an active approach to creating equality rather than a passive one (meaning keeping an eye on how admissions/hiring are done rather than just hoping people aren't going to be racist). -It is used to readdress the historical and current disadvantages minorities generally have. -The black kid is much less likely to have taken your place than a white kid who bought their way in rather than meeting the academic criteria.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not having quotas does not mean the admission process is color-blind. Schools are allowed to give students of one color priority over students of a different color. They just can't decide beforehand how many students of each race they are going to admit with a set quota. One problem with Affirmative action is that it gives one student priority over another student of the exact same academic record, back ground, and income just because of skin color. The real problem with Affirmative action is that it ignores the largest most unfair division in society: family income. Affirmative action should go to the poor inner city students, new immigrants, and poor rural students who grew up in trailer parks whose intellect and potential was hidden by poor public schools and limited opportunities, not middle class suburban black kids. Yours Truly, Middle class white kid who thinks she understand affirmative action (and kind of does)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think it would be interesting if there was an experiment one year where a college completely gets rid of any race questions and JUST goes by qualifications. Like a blind experiment. Seeing who they do admit to their college will give a good idea on who rightfully deserves it, without race getting in the way. At least in theory:)

by Anonymous 12 years ago