+299 People say that dolls for little girls shouldn't set such a high standard for "perfection" but in reality, no little girl would play with an ugly barbie, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think that's their point, a kid wouldn't play with an 'ugly' Barbie because of what they believe to be beautiful, because that's what they were taught by playing with Barbie's. If all Barbies were 'ugly' they'd still be played with.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think so. While we are slightly taught what is "Pretty" there is still that instinctual knowledge of what is good in a mate. Most of the things known as stereotypical beauty are things we looked for in a potential mate a long time ago. Such as Large Breast in a female (showed Fertility) or being muscular in males (showed that they could protect and pass on good genes) even babies can tell if a face is asymmetrical, which shows that it's at least partially a born knowledge. (God, this comment turned out longer then I meant it too, sorry.)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

wow, sure gave me something to think about

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's true, but when you think about it, sinse Barbie is so popular, an 'ugly' Barbie would be considered 'pretty'.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

New pockmarked face Barbie and hideously disfigured car accident Barbie with detachable legs :D

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You don't have to make her ugly. You just don't have to have her with giant boobs and an unhealthily skinny waist with a perfect bum. Studies have shown that if Barbie was human, her proportions would be shockingly unhealthy for a woman. So no, no kid really wants to play with an ugly Barbie but I think we could make her more realistically healthy in order to establish healthy body image in girls from a young age.

by Anonymous 12 years ago