+182 The movie "New Year's Eve" has a measly 7% on Rotten Tomatoes, and yet it's #1 at the box office. Goes to show how desperate we are for love, even if we have to experience it vicariously through a shitty movie, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's only the top at the box office because of all the big name stars in it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Wow, that's a lot of disappointment

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It opened at #1 but is considered to be doing badly at the box office. It only opened at a fraction of the level of the similar movie Valentine's Day. This weekend it'll probably drop to #4 or 5.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I thought it was a pretty decent movie. Maybe that is because it is set in New York, and I love that place and because I never saw Valentine's Day so I didn't know that all of their stories would come together.

by Anonymous 12 years ago