+281 Affirmative action is just reverse discrimination. It not only assumes that minorities need more help than other races in acquiring jobs, college admissions, etc., but it unfairly discriminates against the majority. If you succeed, it should be because you earned it, not because of your race. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This point has been argued a billion times on amirite. You are not original.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with the post, however, an effort must be made to help races/cultures that have been previously disadvantage, don't you think? I mean, it's not necessarily the person's fault that they couldn't get a decent education if their parents were involved in some kind of racial oppression and thus, themselves, had no education or skills to make a good life for themselves.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And I know this is getting voted down because people are thinking "It looks like minorities are under represented in college, but that's because they're generally poorer or whatever." And I understand that, but affirmative action's goal is to try to create a culture that fosters and breeds success within the community. Let's not kid ourselves, even if you're poorer, it's less socially acceptable for whites and Asians to not go to college than it is for blacks and Hispanics. It's about the historical societies of those cultures (very much as a result of the oppression the rich white men imposed upon them). If affirmative action can help start a new culture in the new generations, it'll only help everyone in the future.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

While it may be true that a person grew up in a bad neighborhood, it doesn't make people who grew up in good neighborhoods any less qualified. There are plenty of kids of any race in good neighborhoods, and if they have a better education, they're simply more qualified. It's unfair to let a kid who isn't trying that hard into a college just because they have darker skin than a person who spends hours studying and makes sacrifices for their education.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Race is just a silly thing to base something like that on. Ethnicity can mean something but race is basically a meaningless color. Just because you are of a certain race doesn't mean you grew up in a certain background. There are black people who grow up wealthy to well educated parents, there are Asian people who grew up in poverty with alcoholic parents, there are white people who haven't been in the country long enough to learn English. We can't judge someone's background by the color of their skin.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm a white male and I want a scholarship = :(

by Anonymous 12 years ago

An experiment done in America proved that even with identical resumes (same exact education and qualifications) a person with a name like Bradley is 30% more likely to get a call back than a person with a name like Jamal. So, please, shut the fuck up about the evils of affirmative action.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

It was a documentary I watched a couple of weeks ago, I don't know the name. But I'm sure you can Google "name discrimination in America" or something along those lines.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I go to a predominately black school and most of them have names like Rebecca and jack..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ok? I don't assume all black people have "black" names. The point was that people discriminate against names that aren't "white."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Aha best example is the scholarship for left handed people. What the fuck?!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why don't they eliminate race,nationality, etc. all together as a factor and base it on socioeconomic status? That way, a poor black person getting financial aid doesn't get it just because of race, but because he is actually poor. And anyone who is not a minority and poor gets the help they need as well

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Here the majority is considered previously disadvantaged and helped with affirmative action.

by Anonymous 12 years ago