+304 it's annoying when someone says that they think they have a mental disorder (anxiety, depression, ADD, etc.) to someone who actually has the disorder, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They might be hypochondriacs

by Anonymous 12 years ago

God yes!!! "I'm OCD about a few things. Like, I always stack my papers straight" "Oh really? If i get touched too much on the left side, or someone moves too much on the left side of me without having done twice as much on the right side, I have an anxiety attack and almost pass out from a lack of breathing after I have a fit of extreme rage. Your's sounds legitimate too."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know! You can't be "obsessive compulsive disorder" about one thing. You can be OBSESSIVE, but that's not the same as the disorder. I have OCD too, it pisses me off whenever people do that. I have to make sure my doors are locked, ovens are off etc the same way every day. Like I'd touch the keyhole of the door 4 times for 4 seconds each to make sure there's no key in there.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah for real man!!! I hear that sorta one is very common next to cleaning. I don't think I've ever heard a similar one to mine though :/ Mine incorporates checking things obsessively, but only to make sure they are how i left them. The dumbest one of those is that I make sure the next piece of toilet paper has more mass on its right side.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Whenever I get some sort of new electronic, like a phone or something, I wash my hands before I use it, as to not get the screen greasy. But as time passes, it slowly stops. Also, I pre ordered this game that comes out in a month, and I always check the price, name of the game, and system it's for on the receipt like 4 times before I leave. And before I leave my room, I glare at it before I close the door to make sure it's there haha. Yeah well I guess everyone has their own little OCD routines, I just wish I could get rid of it. I try not doing it for a few days, but if I don't, I can't fall asleep, and I just end up doing it anyway, it sucks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, been there, done that. It does suck. My most annoying one is that all of the letters that I write have to have thicker lines on the right side. It's a pain in the ass. I got to the point where I HAD to see a psychiatrist (which I would recommend if you don't see one) Im on meds now for depression and it slightly helps with OCD

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hmm, I'm gonna have to look into that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's no reason to be ashamed, and usually the people working at the clinics are very understanding and sympathetic in a sort of non-annoying way. It's a little scary at first, but it gets better

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not ashamed, I actually would love to see a psychiatrist. I went to a psychologist last year for my Social Anxiety Disorder and it's definitely helped. Once my OCD is treated, my life will be pretty much complete haha. My psychologist even said he used to have OCD, which kind of makes me want to become a psychologist. People are so immature nowadays though, because whenever someone hears about someone seeing a psychologist/psychiatrist, they assume they're crazy, which is why I haven't really told anyone about it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thats good that you're not. I went to a psychologist before this too which helped a bit. The medication usually takes a very long time to achieve considerable effects, it works slowly but still helps alot. My whole school knows, pretty much, everyone's generally cool about it except the occassional idiot that pokes my left side on purpose. I actually am (was) "crazy" at one point, but only for like 3 months. lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, that's good to hear, that makes me really want to see a psychiatrist now heh. The annoying thing is though, my mom insists on believing that I can just get rid of my OCD completely, without meds or anything. She keeps telling me she used to have it when she was younger, and she just told her self she wouldn't do any of the routines and she completely stopped, but I don't believe her at all. Yeah I'm pretty sure some people knew that I at least had SAD. I'd feel my face turn red whenever someone would ask me for help, and I'd get so nervous. Luckily that's all in the past hah.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, i find that hard to believe too. My psychiatrist said an OCD person can never FULLY get rid of their symptoms. At least small part always stays with you. Tell her its in your best interest and that if treated earlier in life, the better off you'll be since the nature of the disorder only makes things get more intense.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Damn, if it gets more intense... wow that's gonna suck. I'll try to convince her though. Haha wish me luck!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I will man! I hope for the best.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I watched a show on people that have OCD last night. I never realized how frustrating it can be. I don't have it, but I definitely feel for you guys that do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is a tad frustrating, but you learn to live you're life with it even though it's pretty tough. I don't mind it too much, it's a good conversation starter. lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know this to be true from personal experience. I have no problem talking to someone who might legitimately have a problem, but if the conversation goes like this: "Sometimes when I'm really sleepy I do weird things and I don't remember it the next morning. Like, I'll walk into random rooms and text people strange things. I'm thinking about seeing a therapist because I could be going crazy." Hmm, kinda suspicious that the only texts you "don't remember sending" are flirty messages to your various guy friends. Also, it's called sleepwalking. "Have you ever considered seeing a therapist for anything?" Only the depression and possible ADD plaguing me for the last five years of my life. God, that was awful. True story, too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What if someone has a legitimate concern and they're trying to open up to that person because they feel they would understand...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

True story. I have a looot of the indicators of Asperger's Syndrome. I in no way claim to have it, just that it's far more than likely I do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Right, if someone comes up to me and mentions that they think they might have it, I'll ask them what it is they do and I'll decide if it's legit in my head and if not I usually just say "you might wanna watch that and make sure it doesn't get any worse"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My friend says she has ADHD, which I have, but the only time she shows symptoms is when she's on drugs. But if someone was really concerned then it'd be ok.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This post was worded really badly. It sounds like you're saying that it annoys you when someone confides in you about their problem... :P If they think they have the same disorder as you then you must be the perfect person to talk to.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Someone I know was telling me and my friend (who has ADHD) that someone told her that she "was ADHD." We had to tell her that you can't be ADHD. She didn't believe my friend. It was an awkward moment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agreed because I assumed you're talking about when people are like, "I just changed my mind about something! Lololol I'm sooooo bipolar!!" Not when they actually have a legitimate concern about it. It bothers me beyond belief when people are just like, "Oh my god, I like to keep my stuff organized, I'm so OCD!" or "Oh my god, the guy I like turned me down, I think I'm going to kill myself." I hate those type of people. Errrgh.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But guys, seriously, I have severe OCD! I wash my hands when they get dirty!!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

All the kids here do that and it's so annoying. What gets me is when they complain about being depressed. "ooohhh I feel so depressed because my friend is ignoring me." well, I had to deal with crying for hours for no reason, having no motivation to do anything, and not being able to sleep. Yeah.. Your depression seems pretty legitimate. Anyway.. that is all

by Anonymous 12 years ago

omg omg guise i wuz feling bad for fiv mines i fink im depressed :( lolz But in all seriousness, those people remind me of, say... "I must have the flu", when it's barely a small sore throat. They may actually think they have the flu, even if there's not a real reason, but most people around them clearly understand they don't; or, they could be aware there's no chance of them having the flu, but they might want the attention a sick person gets.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

In a similar way, I think it's okay to self-diagnose when there's valid points/experience/knowdlege etc. For example, you have read quite some medical books and have been around many people with medical knowdlege in your whole life, and your mother has had a really bad flu for quite a while. Your throat has been really sore and you have not stopped coughing, you have a fever of 40°, you can't inhale from your nose, your whole body hurts, you're feeling too weak to do anything, and you have constant headaches and nausea, and all for a very long time, which only get worse instead of eventually getting better - if you don't have the flu, you have at least another illness, and you're sure, but you haven't seen a doctor. Some may argue that until a doctor says you have a diagnosed disease you're just a hyponchodriac who has nothing wrong and is being overdramatic, but goddamn it you are in your own body every moment every day, and you know you're sick.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But, really, how many times have people thought they have a horrible flu, when it's really just a small common cold? If you've been feeling half-dead because your flu has been so bad lately, and someone says they have it when the only thing wrong with them is a blocked nose, it is indeed annoying and ironic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago