+171 It's really fun to read books written from a different country than yours, for example, an American reading a British book, because they use a lot of jargon that isn't customary to you, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

as long as you're not an English speaker trying to read French or some other random language.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was reading a book published in London and is said "Dad went outside to smoke a fag." I was like, wow, dad's got some issues.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The unfamiliar jargon is what can make it frustrating. Especially if it's in another language/has another language in parts of it. Like "A Room with a View" or "All The Pretty Horses"? Even though they're both written in English, they take place mostly in another country and therefore include a different language. And they speak a lot in that language. And you miss a lot of conversations BECAUSE they're in that other language. Even if you're reading a British book as an American, there are SO MANY things they say that we don't! But one thing that makes it cool is that you read it in a British accent. At least, I do...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah I get what you're saying! It's hard, like in Crime and Punishment since it's mostly Russian I think. But I just finished a British book, and I'm American, and they said things like queue, fag, bloke, bollocks and a ton of other words that are just fun to read in an accent!

by Anonymous 12 years ago