+55 Given the queen of England's age she is probably raciest. I mean she hides it well, but she was around when apartheid was a blaze in south Africa, and she was there when England was stomping on India. And when England was playing the whole oh "Hitler's just playing with the Jews" phase. I mean she was around through the most atrocious events in human history, furthermore she kind of sat by while this happened. In all seriousness the queen of England's old, but probably evil, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What was she supposed to do about the Nazi regime? She didn't become queen until 1952- on top of that, the British monarch doesn't have much real power to do anything. Blame the Prime Minister.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Who cares? It makes for a hilarious thought and furthermore this just means she was married to someone terrible, making her guilty by association. Also, just throwing it out there, you don't get to call yourself king and queen and not have to shoulder some responsibility even if you literally don't have any power. If you don't like to shoulder guilt of the nation than don't call yourselves the king and queen of said nation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also their "figureheads" meaning they are basically the p.r. campaign for Britain how they behave reflects on the country as a whole for better, or for worse, and while they have no power they do reflect a nation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think the Royal Family have any kind of power, I think theu just chill...though I'm open to correction.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Remember that these events took place decades ago back when the royal family still had influence. Furthermore, if you've ever seen the king's speech it was the king who declared Britain's involvement in WWII.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yar I did see that movie, but I thought that if the Royal Family wanted something to happen (say, go to war) they still had to pass it through parliament and the PM

by Anonymous 12 years ago

oh, well yeah they have no power, your right, but my point was they don't get to play "king and Queen" without taking some responsibility for the actions of your "kingdom/nation" but all of this is beside the point as i was making a joke rather than a completely factual statement

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OP: "Old people must be racist and evil!"

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is statistically reasonable to believe that people who grew up in that sort of era were at least slightly racist.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, but it's entirely possible for their view to develop over time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

She was only 13 when England entered into WWII. I'm no expert on the monarchy but I'm pretty sure King George wasn't practicing appeasement based on the advice of a twelve year old. And if we're being realistic here, the king (and later Elizabeth) had nothing to do with any of those issues, since they have no real power over parliament and the prime minister

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You could say this about millions of other old people...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

and i will

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Lol at saying the ENGLAND was the one that stood by and left the Nazis to their business. If OP is American the hypocrisy is amusing

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You got me i was alive in the 40's, not only that, but i was also, coincidentally, the king of America, a little known position to most commoners. Alas, i much like the queen, did nothing. If only i had used my immense political swing and my family's former monarchic wealth to swoon FDR into war a little sooner. Oh what bitter irony that i should mock the queen!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't mean to call England out it just happened to pertain to the queen. literally everybody stood by while Hitler assumed power.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't agree with this post, but the stupidity was enough to earn OP a YYA and a favourite.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

eh, i'll take it!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Okay, I'll give you that older people tend to be a bit more prejudiced than younger people. But maybe seeing all those atrocities committed against POC means she is no longer racist? Seeing it first-hand probably really let it sink in how wrong it was. Second of all, you cannot be serious about her not doing anything. The Queen hasn't had political power for a long time. The Prime Minister and Parliament are the decision-makers. The Queen is mostly a living historical artefact - her and her extensions (Buckingham Palace, the Crown Jewels, Jubilees, etc) are really good tourist attractions and make Britain a fair bit of money (http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-04-28/news/29482852_1_uk-royal-wedding-bank-holiday-costs - an account of what profits the Royal Wedding brought for Britain).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm, sick of that "no power" excuse. compared to the average citizen the queen actually has an assload of power. Did you know that currently, in England there is something called the "royal prerogative". this means the queen can: - The Queen has the right to appoint and dismiss a Prime Minister. However, in the C21st this is convention as opposed to reality. In fact, after an election, the Queen chooses the leader of the majority party to lead the Commons. Theoretically, the monarch can exercise powers of appointment and dismissal. -The monarch is above the law and has crown immunity. -The monarch, via proclamations or Orders in Council, may declare war or treaties, without the input of the Commons/Lords. (however in reality this is mostly done by the prime minister.) - I don't know about you but how many average English citizens can exercise powers of appointment and dismissal on the prime minister, or who can pardon crimes, is above the law, or who can declare war? The fact of the matter is she has these powers regardless of being a figurehead or not.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

source: royal.gov.uk It was a joke, so no i'm not serious. I just thought i'd bring up her actual powers because i'm sick of hearing that the royal family has no power, influence, wealth, prestige, etc. anymore.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

None of those things has been done in recent history. There'd be uproar at something like that happening in England. ON PAPER, she has powers, in IN PRACTICE, she is unable to use them. The only power she has is due to her fame, like how any other famous person "has power" merely because their opinions can reach more people. If the Queen actually tried to declare war or dismiss a Prime Minister, people would laugh at the very idea of it. People go to extremes to oppose what an elected party do, there is absolutely no way anyone would let the Queen rule. As part of British constitution, Parliament is the highest legislative authority in Britain, except for if it opposes EU law.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The statement i was responding to was that the queen "hasn't had any political power in a long time". I was pointing out that she still has a lot of political power. She is also a public figure which imbues her with even more swing. Regardless of the practicality or plausibility of the situation, the fact remains that she still is legally entitled to these powers. The point still stands that saying "she has no political power" excuse is wrong. She has power, she just doesn't use it because it may upset her party. However, that is true with voted political leaders too. You expect them to behave in a certain manner and do what they promised. A conservative has the power to vote liberal on an issue they just choose not too because their voters would be upset. The queen has power, whether she uses it or not is at her discretion, and if she cares about what the public thinks that just supports the fact that she has political power, because if she weren't able to change anything people wouldn't care what she does. Furthermore, as i said she is a beloved political figure beyond all of this. She has power.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm just pointing this out don't take me for being to intensely passionate about this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I voted it up because I assumed it was a joke.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

you assumed correctly.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

She might be racist because she grew up in these times. Not necessarily because she didn't sop it, because she had no power.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

compared to the average citizen the queen actually has an assload of power. Did you know that currently, here is what the queen can do and the powers she has: - The Queen has the right to appoint and dismiss a Prime Minister. However, in the C21st this is convention as opposed to reality. In fact, after an election, the Queen chooses the leader of the majority party to lead the Commons. Theoretically, the monarch can exercise powers of appointment and dismissal. -The monarch is above the law and has crown immunity. -The monarch, via proclamations or Orders in Council, may declare war or treaties, without the input of the Commons/Lords. (however in reality this is mostly done by the prime minister.) - I don't know about you but how many average English citizens can exercise powers of appointment and dismissal on the prime minister, or who can pardon crimes, is above the law, or who can declare war? The fact of the matter is she has these powers regardless of being a figurehead or not. also the original post was never meant to be serious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I always thought she was a public figure, I didn't actually know she had that kind of power.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I always thought she was a public figure, I didn't actually know she had that kind of power.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

most people don't, it was learning this stuff that made me post this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago