+96 If Jack had a crown, doesn't that make him prince? Why did he and Jill have to fetch the water? Don't they have people for that, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I think they meant as in head, or skull. Another child's song about death.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

He broke his Crown as in his head!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yeah, ever heard of the crown of your head?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yeah the word 'crown' is another term used for forehead. hence in medical practise when someone breaks their neck really bad they but a 'crown' on them. it's a metal curve that is literally drilled into & screwed to your forehead. when he broke his crown he cracked his head open & died. whilst his sister watched...... then fell down the same hill that killed her brother & landed on top of his dying & bleeding body, happy story huh? so yeah. you fail.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

it's pretty ridiculous how you go through so much effort to prove that someone "failed" when it really isnt a very big deal. I think he can correct himself, just by reading the simple comments above yours.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

you idiot. its the crown of your head stupid

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Some people here are very arrogant.Before you jump to conclusions, I know EXACTLY what this children's rhyme is about. And if you're are going to insult me, do it in a proficient manner that doesn't make you sound like an illiterate fuck. I was pointing out the flaw that many CHILDREN rhymes have deeper meanings then most care-free children need to worry about. There is no need to demerit me. It was a statement not an act of hate. So please calm down, take a seat, and grow a pair.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Cant you people say what you want to without being vulgar? Or being so rude? You can get your point across without all of that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

FUCK YOU IT MEANS HIS HEAD jk its no big deal

by Anonymous 13 years ago