+110 LOL Hollywood boycotting Arizona. How much time do they actually spend in Arizona. The closest they get to it is drinking Arizona iced tea. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

which is actually made in new york...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

correct. If they were to use PF CHANGS instead, it would work better, considering it is based in arizona, and honestly, who hasn't been to PF CHANGS.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

This law is pretty messed up!!!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

No it's not. The police have had their hands tied for the longest time. They can't touch a minority person without some organization threatening them. The streets are lingering with drugs and crime and not one minority is lifting a finger to help stop it but they do cry when they need a cop. This law just loosens one of the restraints a cop has to help protect and serve, something which wouldn't and doesn't happen south of the border if the shoe was on the other foot. We should be helping the police and not hindering them. If you don't favor this then you actually approve of criminal activity.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It's legalizing discrimination, how in the world is that constitutional? Imigrants are people too, and deserve a chance. Do you even see what is going on in mexico right now? I would run away too. As for jobs, I don't see anyone volunteering to work in the hot sun for 14 hilours for below minimum wage. The law is stupid, unfair and even the mayor of Arizona agrees.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

1. How is it discrimination to ask for I.D? 2. I see what is going on in Mexico. Why do Mexicans celebrate cinco de mayo here in the U.S.? If they used the anger they have in Arizona in their own country then maybe it would be a place they would want to live in. 3. Do you walk among them in their neighborhood and feel safe? If you do the I would imagine you are Mexican. 4. Look no further than the U.S. military when you ask who would volunteer to work in the hot sun for below minimum wage. People like you have put handcuffs on our law sustem for years and the criminals walk all over our law system.

by Anonymous 14 years ago