+203 Children (under 13-14) shouldn't be watching Jersey Shore, Housewives Of Anywhere, Adult Swim, listening to age inappropriate music (Young Money or songs like Sexy And I Know It, A$$/Remix), or having Facebook/Twitter accounts. Kids should be KIDS for as long as possible. They don't have to be totally sheltered, but some things can wait amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

*WOOP WOOP* Moral police coming through!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What does "being a child" even mean? Children nowadays are more innocent than they ever were, in developed countries at least. Kids that young used to get to watch executions and shit all the time, they were certainly no strangers to violence and "grown up" material. Hell, I can think of one ritual that children get to witness nowadays. For one to become a Gurkha warrior, one must successfully behead a buffalo with one swing of a kukri. Children witness this all the time.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well yeah, think about how kickass that is, compared to sitting at home playing video games... would you rather tell your friends you walked in on your boy wanking orrr would you rather tell them you walked in on him beheading a buffalo?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I consider a 13 year old to be a teenager, not a kid. 14 is definitely not a kid. I do agree that 12 and under is kinda young to be doing certain things, but not everything you've listed. There's a certain point where some of that stuff becomes appropriate. It doesn't just happen overnight when a person turns a certain age. "Well, little Billy is 15 now, time to introduce him to lil'Wayne." That's not how it goes or how it should go. Parents should monitor their kid but when their kid starts transitioning into a semi-responsible teenager, that's when they should be allowed to start doing more of what they want.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I completely agree, it's strangely not surprising when I hear about a twelve year old getting caught having sex in a school bathroom. Sad, but not surprising. It just bugs me because I have a niece&little brother so I don't wanna see them wind up like these ridiculous kids running around these days.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah. The key is talking to them about things like the influence pop culture and their peers can have on them, not sheltering them from it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm 13 and I've never heard of any of that music. Out of the TV shows you listed, I've only heard of Jersey Shore, but I don't watch TV. Personally, Facebook and Twitter make it easier to talk to friends and make plans with them. Also, whenever I miss school I can simply go on Facebook and ask somebody in my class if we had homework. So... am I more mature or immature than the average 13 year old? xD

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Duuude same here dude, no tv either (i have it i just HATE it) and i dont listen to the inFLUencile pop culture either, i listen to classic rock

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'd say that's awesome, maybe more people your age should just take a break from TV, Facebook&Twitter are only bad if the person uses it inappropriately (half naked pics -__-). It just bugged me that there are a few nine/ten year olds who know too much about Jersey Shore...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

how is not using message and comment broadcast mediums (Facebook is not really social or a network relative to a lot of other technologies) being a kid?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's not being a kid but there are better things to do, like playing outside or Something. I know when I was growing up I was playing tag& hide and go seek until I was like 14 .I know for a fact my 14 yr.old brother&his friends aren't doing that at all :l

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sexy and I know it is pushing it. The media worships sex at this point, so its impossible to shelter kids from that. Its just important tobnake sure your kids know that this stuff is inappropriate for them to do now, but still okay for them to listen to.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I mentioned Sexy and I Know it because of the Toddlers and Tiaras girl singing it. And she was really young .

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Toddlers in Tiaras is a totally different story. Those parents are living through their girls. If they want to parent their kid in such a horrible way, so be it. It's their kids, after all. Since we are a third party, it is not our place to say anything.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

:| Just... :|||

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't really think the music influences them that much because I know when I was younger I listened to some songs about sex or drugs, but since I had no idea what it was actually referring too, it didn't matter. It wasn't until I was older that I realized how inappropriate the songs actually were.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Me too, but now they can just get on the computer and figure it all out .I had a computer when I was younger but I guess it didn't really matter to me .but now I hear the songs and I'm just like, I used to sing along to this o.O

by Anonymous 12 years ago