+339 The reason older music seems superior to current music is because we only hear the best of the best from that generation. It's similar to an iceberg: there is a chunk of excellent music at the top, but a mountain of shitty music below, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I just hope I will never have to explain to my children what "autotune" is. That would be humiliating.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And it floats away from the land of mainstream music...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I actually don't completely agree with you. You should consider the audience of the older generations and how much of it was for the common man. Most of the music was for rich men who can afford to go to a concert. But now there is music for kids and poorer people, who don't have as high a standard.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So what you're saying is that if someone is poor, they automatically have a poor taste in music? I've met plenty of rich dicks who have poor taste in music, and vice versa (poor with good taste). Hasty generalizations will get you taken care of on the Internet.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No... if you are rich and you pay a million bucks to get into a show, then you're going to expect a good performance... if you are poor, then you won't be allowed to get to watch the show. Nowadays they are allowing more people to have access to music. So they don't necessarily have to spend the same amount of time practicing for a performance.... My comment went completely over your head buddy, take that grade school argument out of here.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I've been trying to tell people this for years.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly, like in my media class, we watched Casablanca and in our reflection, my teacher put the question "Why don't they make as good of movies anymore?" And I was shocked and just thought it was stupid to compare a good movie of the past to all of today's movies when majority suck b/c there are still great movies being made!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't there is good or bad taste in music. you consider a good taste in music if someone likes the same stuff as you. I bet everyone on the planet thinks they have a great taste in music

by Anonymous 12 years ago