+188 It's hypocritical that we say we want someone not to like us for our looks, or that we call someone shallow for liking someone else for their looks, but when you see someone good-looking with someone ugly we tend to either say crap about the ugly person or think "I'm uglier than that?", amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I hate that you automatically get labeled as shallow for not liking someone because of their looks. It doesn't mean you shouldn't give them a chance, but you cant help it if you're not attracted to someone.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My friend was looking at her ex-boyfriend's Facebook, and when she saw his current girlfriend, her first comment was, "He's dating her? But she's, like, really ugly." My other friend immediately agreed. Then they laughed. I was speechless. I don't hate many things, but I wholeheartedly hate the word "ugly."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

yeah! That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about :/ it's hurtful

by Anonymous 12 years ago