+165 There's a certain point where you can't use reason to explain your argument. It always comes down to emotion and base instinct, which can be just as legitimate reasons as logic and reason in some cases. For example, saying that murder is wrong is only explicable by way of emotion, but that doesn't make it less true, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Murder is wrong because it isn't the place of one individual to end another individual's life. The first individual does not have the authority to make such a decision. I don't think ethics should be based on such a fickle and indecisive thing which a human emotion can be.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why isn't it the place of one individual to end another's life? Why don't I have the authority? How can you determine morality based solely on logic? You need some kind of end goal in order to use logic, and to determine the end goal you need your instincts.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

As a postulate, I'd argue that all men and women are created equal. Therefore, any act between two individuals is wrong if it imposes damage (being anything undesired by the object of the act) to another. If you want an end goal, then i'd say that as many as possible of us get what we desire and avoid what we do not desire. This end goal is my perception of what good is as far as interactions between people. Our system would plunge into chaos if the integrity of our moral decisions is based on what makes us smile and what makes us frown because those things are based largely upon environmental factors. If we only believed what we think is right, then we've opened the gate to mindless racism and hatred of all things different. A moral compass should be observed and followed, but frequently checked.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not saying that we should not use any logic at all; in fact I think that logic should be the greater portion of our reasons behind our actions. But I do believe that all our logic is based upon decisions that derive from instinct and our subconcious at work.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think logic is based on analytic reasoning and philosophy rather than solely our instinct and subconscious. Ultimately, some of these philosophies may be rooted in innate beliefs of good and evil, but if you "can't use reason to explain your argument" then I believe you have a problem.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's how I feel about the incest posts lately. I don't care how "logical" it seems for other people to think it should be allowed, I still feel like it's wrong. :/

by Anonymous 12 years ago