+195 One of the worst feelings ever is having some really intense feelings for someone, and never knowing how they feel about you because neither of you will tell the other person how you feel because you're afraid of rejection or making a fool out of yourself, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm having that right now, and I can't seem to make up my mind whether or not I should tell him how I feel; it can either backfire when I do, or turn into something more than fantastic...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know how you feel. I've been in that situation for the past 2 years haha. I can't decide whether I should tell him or not. He acts like he likes me all the time, but I don't wanna lose him.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Same happens to me, and I don't really want to take the risk, but at the same time I do... It could be wonderful. Same probably goes for you. Maybe trying to find out what he thinks about you before saying what you think, but that's hard, too..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I kinda make it really obvious that I like him. I make sure I do haha. I don't wanna be straight forward with it though. Sometimes when I flirt with him, he'll flirt back. He acts like he likes me a lot some times, but other times he just acts like a friend. It's super complicated sometimes haha.

by Anonymous 12 years ago