+156 "I can always lose weight but you'll always be ugly" is an absolutely terrible comeback to being called fat, you're basically saying "Yeah, I'm fat //and// too lazy to lose weight, whereas you are just genetically unfortunate, so that means I'm better than you." amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How does that imply "I'm better than you" or that they're not trying to lose weight?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It implies they think they're better than them because that's the whole reason they said it, because they think that being fat is superior to being ugly, and they're attempting to explain why with their stupid statement. It doesn't imply that they're not trying, but the fact that they're fat implies that they either haven't been trying long, or that their trying is just them eating junk food 6 times a week instead of 7, I would say that both of those instances are examples of them not putting much effort in, the first one to a lesser extent, but still they've probably left it long enough.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Does the person who called them fat not think that them not being fat makes them better than a fat person? Was the point of calling them fat to say "I'm better than you?" The point isn't that being fat is superior to being ugly, the point is that you can change one and not the other. And no, not if they're an endomorph, which a lot of people are, because they gain fat very very easily, have slow metabolisms, and can't shed weight without tremendous effort.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I Definately don't think this means that being fat is superior OR that they are not trying. And your generalizing the crap out of both parties. I always interpreted it as I may be fat and attractive but I can change that whether I am at the moment trying to lose weight doesn't really matter the point is change is possible and because of your meanness and your need to make yourself feel superior makes u ugly inside and out. That's my interpretation though I don't believe either accusation to be true. Anyone can change for the better or for the worse. It's totally up to that person.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think you understand what people actually mean when they say this... ono

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Genetically unfortunate. Oh, that's perfect. I'll be saying that instead of ugly from this moment forward.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How do the ugly people know that they'll be good looking when they lose weight? They could just be ugly and skinny.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, most fat people are ugly too, they just blame it on their fat.

by Anonymous 12 years ago