-75 It seems that all the popular artists have many good songs but not amazing ones, on the other hand all the nonpopular artists have that one amazing song but the rest are terrible, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1) To each its own. 2) Sometimes it seems that the unpopular artists have all amazing songs, whereas the popular artists have albums with one or two of their songs being top billboard. Then they create singles not on the record to make more hits.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Michael Jackson was popular and had amazing songs

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel like it's the exact opposite

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Nowadays, music is complete shit, to me that is.... No, people, a bunch of random noises and people yelling crap is not music. No, girls, dressing like you just got back from the street corner does not make you an awesome singer. And young men, having a dream of becoming a rapper just to get money and the "hoes" will get you nothing. My rant is over.

by Anonymous 11 years ago